Mum deteriorating so fast


Registered User
Jan 4, 2014
Hi there I do a lot of reading here and hardly ever post but I'm so worried dr put mum on 2mg of diazepam for her anxiety about 6 weeks ago she has vascular dementia signs showing for 5yrs after the sudden death of my father. I had to ring drs the other day as I don't live with mum but visit 2/3 times daily with meals shopping etc I have cameras installed which I operate through my phone and I spotted her up and dressed at 2am then up for 3 hrs then back to bed with her clothes still on checked urine and dr said up the diazepam to 4mg and she has to go to memory clinic on Wednesday for review of med but she is still up half the night sleeping a lot during the day and looks awful her confusion and anxiety has worsened and I just don't know what to think I put her in pjs before I leave in the evening and I'm 10 min drive away by the time I'm home she dressed again I don't know if it's the diazepam or the dementia getting worse x


Registered User
Oct 18, 2013
British Isles
I'm glad you have an appointment soon so that you can discuss your worries. Can't help wondering if diazepam is the wrong med for your Mum but if you write down your concerns and discuss them at the review (or hand over a letter if you can't easily discuss in front of your Mum) then hopefully they will be able to try her on something that will help.

Good luck - I do hope they come up with something to reduce your poor Mum's anxiety.


Registered User
Jan 4, 2014
Thanx gigglemore for your reply that's me up now watching her pacing around the house now but she may go back to bed fingers crossed this is truly a horrible disease I'm just hoping dr can help on Wednesday x


Registered User
Dec 25, 2012
Sadly this could be a progression of the dementia, my Mum, now in care home, was tried on various meds, but none of them have stopped her being up all night. We agreed to care home as she then started to wander and Dad was unable to stop her leaving the house, he became exhausted through lack of sleep. Hope you get some answers from the GP, worrying times for you, sending hugs (()) xx



Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I think it could well be the progression of the dementia. Like angcmc my mum is up and getting dressed, or sometimes not getting dressed but wandering around at night. This started about 8 or 9 months ago and could not be stopped. She started wandering outside at night and getting lost, which was one of the reasons that she moved to a CH. The carers at her home deal with this very well and try and persuade her to go back to bed, but it doesnt always work and she is often up several times during the night.

I think there is a "re-set button" that gets pressed every time she goes to sleep, so she wakes up and - hey presto - it must be morning and its time to get up, get dressed and start the day!! (sigh)