Mum aged 92 with dementia struggling with grief


New member
Nov 20, 2018
My mum keeps asking after my dad and grandfather. We did our best with distraction and white lies that they are ok and that we will contact them. A carer blurted out a few days ago that they are long gone. She has been crying ever since and wants to go home. I am hoping this will pass. Would like to hear from others who have had a similar experience and how they have managed. Love and best wishes.

nae sporran

Registered User
Oct 29, 2014
Sorry your mum is having to grieve again, Chandra55.
A couple of years ago my partner went for about a month wondering about her mum who died 30 years ago. She was sure her mum was in hospital somewhere and nobody knew where. I went for the love lies and tried to offer reassurance, but eventually she moved on to talking about something else. I hope for your mum's sake as well as your that she too can forget about it soon.


Volunteer Host
Apr 1, 2016
You were doing exactly the right thing with distraction. I always used to do the same with my dad. I would have a word with the care agency and ask for someone who understands dementia if you can, so it doesn't happen again.

I hope your mum soon forgets.