More aggression


Registered User
Dec 24, 2009
North East Eangland
What a nightmare. John seemed really happy, docile and pleasant, although very confused, when he came out of 2 weeks respite, probably due to the Trazadone that he has started taking. However it hasn't lasted.
Whilst in respite he pushed over another resident who was blocking his view of the TV. Last week he apparently got very angry with another client at the Day Centre which he attends and then yesterday, after a very difficult bedtime and early morning, he had a fight with the same client (who apparently is very difficult)
The CPN has told me to increase the dosage of the Trazadone to twice a day (50mg each time) whilst she talks to the consultant to see about giving him Memantine. ( She has got permission from the Trust to prescribe it to John). Does anyone else have this?

I am really worried that they will stop him going to the Day Centre - I don't think I would cope without those 3 days.
Any thoughts would be welcome.
Getting stressed


Registered User
Sep 17, 2010
Just a thought ... if the daycare centre argue they can't manage John, how is it safe for you to be managing him on your own?

There might be an argument for John to be more closely attended and / or for a higher staffing ratio while he's at the daycare centre.


Registered User
Nov 6, 2010
Not really of any help

Hi, seems like you are having a bad time at the moment. Not had any experience with Memantine yet, but my husband is waiting for his final assesment before he goes on to it. He has breating problems as well as AD, and this is the reason he has been prescribed this and not the standard drugs. It is supposed to help with aggression so hopefully will be of help.

Take care


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
You have my heartfelt sympathy. I am having a bad time with mum but there is, at least, no aggression. Thinking of you. xx

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Hello Anne

Were these incidents just at Respite and the Day Centre and not while John is at home with you?


Registered User
Dec 24, 2009
North East Eangland
Hi Grannie G
No he has pushed me a couple of times and recently grabbed hold of my arms or threatened me with a fist, but not actually hit me. I had another dreadful night on saturday with him and he was very aggressive with the carer on Sunday morning. Today he has been all sweetness and light. It's like walking on egg shells.
The CPN came round on Friday with the Ebixa tablets and checked John's blood pressure she also told me to increase the Trazadone to 3 a day. So I hope it will not be too long before these things take effect.
Thanks for your support