

Registered User
Jan 29, 2009
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but thought it might be of interest.

The website Moodscope allows you to record how you feel each day and, if you wish, record a score and look at ways to improve how you feel/ react.

You also get a daily email and it is this which I find so interesting - personally I only did the scoring for a very short while but the email has been helpful.

This is my mail today (complete with links)

Hi Celia,

There's the distinct possibility that today could be a perfect one for you.

How very lovely this would be.

Perfect days, however, tend to come few and far between. And far be it from me to rain on your parade but let's face it, isn't it more likely that this will be an average kind of day? Perhaps even a less-than-average one?

There are those who exhort us to spring out of bed every morning, determined that this will be the best day of our lives.

I'm sure it helps to keep a positive mind-set, if you can.

However I also think it pays to be realistic.

If you've had perfect (or almost-perfect) days in the past, you're pretty certain to have them again in the future.

But not necessarily right here, right now.

So go ahead with your eyes open and make the most of what the day throws at you, remembering that within limits you still have a good deal of control over how you'll feel at the end of it.

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment on our Blogspot:

But what prompted me to post this was yesterdays mail (but ran out of time before work!)

Help for helpers. Monday February 25, 2013

All too often those who need help the most aren't the ones who get it.

I had a thought-provoking conversation the other day with a man whose father was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's. His mother now finds herself in the position of chief carer.

Almost certainly, what little help that may be available from the system will go the father, but what about the effect his illness will have on his wife? What help will she get?

I suspect we both know the answer to that one. But the point made by the man I was talking to was that Moodscope could actually be a very useful tool for his mother. Although her mood is very likely to be affected her husband's illness, she may not often be asked how she is.

There will often be a presumption that someone in her position will be stoic, dealing with all that's thrown at her without a murmur.

Moodscope of course isn't solely for those who have low mood themselves. Its buddying aspect can help anyone who could so with a little extra support when the going gets tough.

If you know someone in this position please tell them about Moodscope. Suggest they take a look at it. Maybe even offer to buddy them.

It could prove to be exactly the help they need.

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment on our Blogspot:
OK, it's time to record your Tuesday score at Moodscope. Just click below:

Hope this proves useful to others :)

Big Effort

Account Closed
Jul 8, 2012
Hi Celia,
I love the things you share! Not so long ago you put my very ill brother up where people send healing to those who are sick, and he is doing so well. And now this.
I think it is a good idea and I'll have a go.

I too have had an idea, because of the boost I and the family got from brother being healed by different people all around the world.

I was thinking of starting off a healing circle here on TP, presumably also a Resource, and let people say who needs healing hands and thoughts today and also where we can go and start to develop our own healing skills.

What do you think? Would it take off?

Well done to you, you are a Creative Spirit, Celia and I have been the beneficiary. Love BE