Mom has Mixed vascular dementia with Alzheimers with complex cognative care needs on gping


Registered User
Oct 30, 2022
So moms first fall April 2022 CT scan showed Mixed Vascular dementia then not seen by anyone until Memory clininc Oct 2022 we thought old age forgetfulness and bearevment as Dad passed 2021 from terminal cancer brain tumour, had to take driving licence from her Oct 2022 nearly knocked a lady surrended it to DVLA Nov was her 2nd fall due to progression Alzheimers mixed vascular dementia and complex cognative care needs.
She goes to sleep resets forgets day before events, does no bills letters finances I do it all,I have POA for her health and finances.
Her Gps not seen her face to face since Apri 2022. I submitted her exemption council tax form thinking her GP would sign it straight away, her GP said Mom does not have mental imparement, ***? well you can imagin how I felt I will not take No for an answer !
He was dads GP whilst Dad had glioblastoma terminal brain tumour died in pandemic Jan 2021 just me & mom at his bad side.
where is this GPs compassion ?
I guess I will have to get it signed by the memory clinic consultant if he still won't! (That Aside)
How long does someone with mixed vascular dementia & Alzheimers & complex cognative care needs have , we think mom had early dementia signs
2 years prior to having 2 falls.
1st 1 we think was mini stroke & 2nd was after diagnosis she banged her head bruised face badly bruised cheek bones both nothing broken.
So am I within my right to ask for a CT Scan to check shrinkage now from last April ?
Can I check shes not had a small brain bleed?
Any answers welcomed Many thanks , care givers care blazers xxxxx♡


Registered User
Feb 9, 2017
Hi @Lulu51 and welcome to the group.
My understanding for the council exception is that the GP only needs to confirm the dementia diagnosis which of itself says your mum has cognitive problems.
I would be shocked if either a GP or memory clinic will refer your mum for a further CT scan. The reason for this is that you already have a diagnosis and the amount of damage seen on scans rarely correlates with the changes we see in our loved ones. Some people appear to have minimal damage but lots of symptoms and vice versa.
Scans themselves give a large amount of radiation so the dr will not subject anyone to one if it will not change the treatment needed.


Registered User
Oct 30, 2022
Hi @Lulu51 and welcome to the group.
My understanding for the council exception is that the GP only needs to confirm the dementia diagnosis which of itself says your mum has cognitive problems.
I would be shocked if either a GP or memory clinic will refer your mum for a further CT scan. The reason for this is that you already have a diagnosis and the amount of damage seen on scans rarely correlates with the changes we see in our loved ones. Some people appear to have minimal damage but lots of symptoms and vice versa.
Scans themselves give a large amount of radiation so the dr will not subject anyone to one if it will not change the treatment needed.
Thank you for replying Ive taken on board what you said - Its nice to read comments from those with wisdom and experience .

I thank you for the years

Registered User
Oct 5, 2021
So moms first fall April 2022 CT scan showed Mixed Vascular dementia then not seen by anyone until Memory clininc Oct 2022 we thought old age forgetfulness and bearevment as Dad passed 2021 from terminal cancer brain tumour, had to take driving licence from her Oct 2022 nearly knocked a lady surrended it to DVLA Nov was her 2nd fall due to progression Alzheimers mixed vascular dementia and complex cognative care needs.
She goes to sleep resets forgets day before events, does no bills letters finances I do it all,I have POA for her health and finances.
Her Gps not seen her face to face since Apri 2022. I submitted her exemption council tax form thinking her GP would sign it straight away, her GP said Mom does not have mental imparement, ***? well you can imagin how I felt I will not take No for an answer !
He was dads GP whilst Dad had glioblastoma terminal brain tumour died in pandemic Jan 2021 just me & mom at his bad side.
where is this GPs compassion ?
I guess I will have to get it signed by the memory clinic consultant if he still won't! (That Aside)
How long does someone with mixed vascular dementia & Alzheimers & complex cognative care needs have , we think mom had early dementia signs
2 years prior to having 2 falls.
1st 1 we think was mini stroke & 2nd was after diagnosis she banged her head bruised face badly bruised cheek bones both nothing broken.
So am I within my right to ask for a CT Scan to check shrinkage now from last April ?
Can I check shes not had a small brain bleed?
Any answers welcomed Many thanks , care givers care blazers xxxxx♡
Hi @Lulu51

i just wanted to check that you have applied for Attendance Allowance for your Mum as she needs to be in receipt of this benefit (or another similar but less common one) to get the council tax exemption.

have you managed to get a social care assessment and/or any other support for your Mum? I know this can be difficult when the person with dementia (PWD) is resistant to help. Some people on the forum have managed to gradually introduce “helpers” under various pretexts in order to get their PWD to accept them.

have you had a carers needs assessment? Waiting times for these (and social care assessments) are much longer than they should be at the moment so worth asking for one as soon as possible.

best wishes!


Registered User
Oct 30, 2022
Hi @Lulu51

i just wanted to check that you have applied for Attendance Allowance for your Mum as she needs to be in receipt of this benefit (or another similar but less common one) to get the council tax exemption.

have you managed to get a social care assessment and/or any other support for your Mum? I know this can be difficult when the person with dementia (PWD) is resistant to help. Some people on the forum have managed to gradually introduce “helpers” under various pretexts in order to get their PWD to accept them.

have you had a carers needs assessment? Waiting times for these (and social care assessments) are much longer than they should be at the moment so worth asking for one as soon as possible.

best wishes!
Hello, thank you for replying I welcome all knowledge & input - I have the forms for Carers allowence which I was going to ask the doctor to sign straight after he signed the council tax form - as F002 was on moms file and a report in her patient notes from the memory clinic I saw no problem getting a signature, obviously I was wrong -as POA I need a copy of the POA to be sent with the attendance allowence forms that comes from the office of public guard - I have submitted a copy of moms health POA to the practice- thats on file at moms GP
so again I saw no problem with someone there signing you see.
I have a solicitor in place to over see Im doing everything right since dad died to prove I have moms best interest at heart for reasurance for me , I had not told the GP practice about the solicitor but shall do In my next e-mail to the clinic Im e-mailing because I asked for an appoitment to sit down with moms GP to discuss what little he knows as not seen mom since April 2022 & what I know has been gappenung to mkm since October. I was told by the receptionist that he was fully booked upto the 23rd January and then taking annual leave(Fob off) ? I don't know? Ironically it was moms practice that alerted me to making claims for mom with the council tax and care allowence and ironically the GP is the resistance. The Memory clinic have asigned a psychiatric nurse to mom & started calling in, next visit is 3rd February when myself and husband will be with mom. A phone call from a elderly chat line is set up once a week so mom can have a chat on the phone that was arranged by mkms GP practice, it seems the paperwork team arw not liaseing with GPs with regards to Moms progression. No one has offered me a needs assessment or social care assessment who do I ask for these ? Where do I ask for these ?. You see Oct 3rd we got Moms diagnosis at Memory clininc (then left to our own devices,) it was only when I sent an e-mail into moms GP practice explaining mom had had a 2nd fall and us having to take away her licence due to nearly knocking a lady pedestrian down that moms practice told me to make the claims print off the forms from the gov wrb site December a psychiatric nurse was put in place from the memory clininc because mom was messing up taking her memantine medication daily, some days she took none some days she took to many she re-sets thinks shes not taken a pill , due to start15mg Tuesday thats 1 & half pills, pretty sure mom will get mixed up once again and explained my concerns truthfully she should already be on 1 20mg tablet daily since December but as mom was messing up taking medication February we get her on 20mg- more time lost through progression. I'm aware there is no cure & her Meds only try slow progression down. Im awaiting a phone call from Alzheimers society this Friday 13th Jan maybe they can tell me who to contact for the assessments. Many thanks for your adbice and knowledge and wisdom information help is greatly appreciated I just feel left to my own devices not knowing where to turn for answers. Kind regards

I thank you for the years

Registered User
Oct 5, 2021
Hello, thank you for replying I welcome all knowledge & input - I have the forms for Carers allowence which I was going to ask the doctor to sign straight after he signed the council tax form - as F002 was on moms file and a report in her patient notes from the memory clinic I saw no problem getting a signature, obviously I was wrong -as POA I need a copy of the POA to be sent with the attendance allowence forms that comes from the office of public guard - I have submitted a copy of moms health POA to the practice- thats on file at moms GP
so again I saw no problem with someone there signing you see.
I have a solicitor in place to over see Im doing everything right since dad died to prove I have moms best interest at heart for reasurance for me , I had not told the GP practice about the solicitor but shall do In my next e-mail to the clinic Im e-mailing because I asked for an appoitment to sit down with moms GP to discuss what little he knows as not seen mom since April 2022 & what I know has been gappenung to mkm since October. I was told by the receptionist that he was fully booked upto the 23rd January and then taking annual leave(Fob off) ? I don't know? Ironically it was moms practice that alerted me to making claims for mom with the council tax and care allowence and ironically the GP is the resistance. The Memory clinic have asigned a psychiatric nurse to mom & started calling in, next visit is 3rd February when myself and husband will be with mom. A phone call from a elderly chat line is set up once a week so mom can have a chat on the phone that was arranged by mkms GP practice, it seems the paperwork team arw not liaseing with GPs with regards to Moms progression. No one has offered me a needs assessment or social care assessment who do I ask for these ? Where do I ask for these ?. You see Oct 3rd we got Moms diagnosis at Memory clininc (then left to our own devices,) it was only when I sent an e-mail into moms GP practice explaining mom had had a 2nd fall and us having to take away her licence due to nearly knocking a lady pedestrian down that moms practice told me to make the claims print off the forms from the gov wrb site December a psychiatric nurse was put in place from the memory clininc because mom was messing up taking her memantine medication daily, some days she took none some days she took to many she re-sets thinks shes not taken a pill , due to start15mg Tuesday thats 1 & half pills, pretty sure mom will get mixed up once again and explained my concerns truthfully she should already be on 1 20mg tablet daily since December but as mom was messing up taking medication February we get her on 20mg- more time lost through progression. I'm aware there is no cure & her Meds only try slow progression down. Im awaiting a phone call from Alzheimers society this Friday 13th Jan maybe they can tell me who to contact for the assessments. Many thanks for your adbice and knowledge and wisdom information help is greatly appreciated I just feel left to my own devices not knowing where to turn for answers. Kind regards
I think we all feel that we are on our own trying to do the best we can in difficult circumstances.

Citizens Advice should be able to provide support with completion of the Attendance Allowance (AA) Form which will be backdated to the date that you submit the form or to the date when you requested the form from the DWP by phone if you did so.

When I applied to AA for my Mum I was able to get a code to send to the DWP rather than send the document itself. This was because her LPA was done relatively recently (May 2020). My Dad’s LPA is older so I couldn’t use the code option so I sent them the original LPA but it was the Finance and Property one that they wanted not the Health and Welfare one.

Once your Mum is granted AA it would not be necessary for her GP to sign your application for Carer’s Allowance. This is only necessary when the person you are caring for is not in receipt of AA.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Also - you can contact Adult Social Services yourself to ask for a needs assessment (which will include a social care assessment).

Im afraid that it is very common for the memory clinic to make a diagnosis and then leave you to get on with it - thats what happened to mum and me too. Fortunately, I was given a leaflet for the Alzheimers Society and found my way here and I learned so much from other members who had already walked this route


Registered User
Oct 30, 2022
Also - you can contact Adult Social Services yourself to ask for a needs assessment (which will include a social care assessment).

Im afraid that it is very common for the memory clinic to make a diagnosis and then leave you to get on with it - thats what happened to mum and me too. Fortunately, I was given a leaflet for the Alzheimers Society and found my way here and I learned so much from other members who had already walked this route
Bless you, thank you for replying to my questions , I am grateful for any help, I learned e erything about dads Glioblastoma terminal brain cancer which was daunting but this Dementia Alzheimers diagnosis for mom I an way out of my deapth. Appreciate everyones input its valueable help indeed, because my Husbands mom is 88 and now she has been diagnosed with Dementia ,so it will help me for him for her. Many thanks xxxx♡


Registered User
Oct 30, 2022
I think we all feel that we are on our own trying to do the best we can in difficult circumstances.

Citizens Advice should be able to provide support with completion of the Attendance Allowance (AA) Form which will be backdated to the date that you submit the form or to the date when you requested the form from the DWP by phone if you did so.

When I applied to AA for my Mum I was able to get a code to send to the DWP rather than send the document itself. This was because her LPA was done relatively recently (May 2020). My Dad’s LPA is older so I couldn’t use the code option so I sent them the original LPA but it was the Finance and Property one that they wanted not the Health and Welfare one.

Once your Mum is granted AA it would not be necessary for her GP to sign your application for Carer’s Allowance. This is only necessary when the person you are caring for is not in receipt of AA.
Bless you, thank you for replying to my questions , I am grateful for any help, Dad & Moms were done 6 years ago so I son't think I will get a code Im wautung for it to come back from the office of the guard back to our solicitor. I learned everything about dads Glioblastoma terminal brain cancer which was daunting his 2nd Anniversary is coming up 30th Jan so Im feeling it at the moment havent really had chance to grieve as was straight onto helping mom from day 1 of Dads death - this Mixed Dementia/ Alzheimers diagnosis for mom I am way out of my deapth. Appreciate everyones input its valueable help indeed, because my Husbands mom is 88 and now she has Dementia ,so it will help me for him for her. Many thanks best wishes to you & thank you xxxx♡

smiley miley

New member
Mar 23, 2023
My husband has the same diagnosis and is very clingy. He follows me everywhere, I have no break and it's very frustrating


Registered User
Oct 30, 2022
My husband has the same diagnosis and is very clingy. He follows me everywhere, I have no break and it's very frustrating
Sorry to hear this about your husband gyess he will be clingy as you are married. He will expect you to kniw wgat to do, fact us none of us know because every Dementia patient is so different, just try love and support him BUT MAKE TIME for you too, I have no one else really for with mom, but if you do use them to help! Best wishes