Mom bathes in sink


Registered User
Apr 24, 2023
My mother stopped showering regularly around 2 years ago. She has limited her showers to once a year. She has a walk in shower, shower chair, multiple grab bars, bath mats, and detachable shower head.. When she gets in, I am close by monitoring her, and helping bathe her back when asked.

She has since stopped, and prefers bathing in the sink.. which is not very often.

I always ask her if she wants to get in the shower, and she always tells me that it's much too cold for that. That she'll resume showering regularly once warmer weather..

Yet she has no problems stripping down (not often) bathing in the sink, moisturizing her body, and staying in the bathroom long enough to put on clean pajamas.

She carries an unpleasant odor often and doesn't change pajamas regularly. She doesn't like bathing wipes as she feels they're inadequate compared to rag and soap.

Is bathing in the sink, okay for her to do? Is it possible to encourage her to bathe in the sink often?? Has she developed a fear of water and either too embarrassed to admit, or perhaps she is unaware??


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Some people with dementia develop a fear of showering and it can be very hard to persuade them to try on a regular basis. As long as your mother has a regular wash at the sink that should be OK.

I have attached some information about dementia and bathing or showering which you might find useful.



Registered User
Feb 4, 2024
Thank you for sharing this information. My mother in law says that she doesn't want to use her shower with a seat and handrails etc. These days she sometimes smells though she has been washing at the sink for years. So far she says that she doesn't want help with washing herself. I wonder if she can see and understand what she is doing to wash herself adequately.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I wonder if she can see and understand what she is doing to wash herself adequately.
Possibly not.
I had to start intervening with OH when I discovered that his idea of a shower was to run a handful of shower gel down his stomach and then rinse it off.......


Registered User
Apr 24, 2023
Thank you.
She doesn't bathe often ..maybe once or twice a month.. if that.. she hasn't washed her hair properly (mistakes hair oil for shampoo, and doesn't rinse it) since her last actual shower.

She often smells due to bo, but also due to her medications. I think I will inform her doctor, I don't want them feeling as if she's being neglected at home.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2017
County Durham
I have a somewhat similar situation with dad. He was struggling in the shower 2/3 years ago and turned to baths. Now he can’t get out the bath. He is down to bathing every 6 to 8 weeks. Occupational Therapist coming tomorrow to talk about options re bathing. we both went for our regular hair cut last week & for the first time I asked them to wash his hair. He’d never had that done before & loved it. I’ve arranged to take him every 2 weeks. It’s something right? Is there any way you can take her to a hairdresser? And OT should be able to advise & supply necessary equipment, of course getting them to use it is another matter.
Best of luck