Mobile Hoist


Registered User
Aug 17, 2014
can anyone give me advice about using a mobile hoist in the home.
Our apartment has slightly wider doors for wheelchair use but would they be wide enough for a mobile hoist.


Registered User
Dec 30, 2011
The mobile hoist doesn't have to go through doorways - it would just stay in one room, e.g. the bedroom. The person is hoisted, say, to a wheelchair, then wheeled to another room, wheeled back and hoisted again.

In my mother's case, she has her bed downstairs and everything took place in one room - so the wheeled commode was near her bed and could be moved into position as could the hoist. You need to make sure the room is clear of obstacles such as furniture as the hoist has long wide legs which need to spread around the chair the person is being moved into. It is also best to have smooth flooring - we have the type of carpeting which is used in care homes. We needed to replace the old one anyway so I bought a suitable one. However, my Mum was only hoisted for about a year when she became totally bedbound and it wasn't suitable to move her as she couldn't sit up properly on the commode or chair.

You will need quite a large space to place the hoist - its legs are about 3 feet long.
Hope this helps.


Registered User
Dec 10, 2009
When I first took my late wife out of a Nursing Home she was bed bound. I was issued with a hoist but put it in the garage because she was so light I could lift her as required.

About nine months later it was Christmas day I made a snap decision to dress her and use the hoist to lift her onto a wheelchair I bought. For the first time in a year I wrapped her up well and took her for a stroll. With one hand I supported her head and pushed the wheelchair with the other. From that day onwards, I used the hoist to move her on to the commode every morning wheeled her to the wet room to shower and brush her teeth. Over time as her health improved she was capable of supporting her head. The result: I took her out every day, for walks, shopping and every where I went, even with me to dental appointments. It lasted for four years.

If you look up some of my old posts you'll find the offer of a free download of our story. Some of the ideas I learned along the way proved successful, you might find them useful.
The best of luck o you.