MMSE scary results!


Registered User
Mar 28, 2012
Last year (January) when i took my Mum to the doctors he arranged for MMSE and Mum scored 27/30. She got a lot worse by October and it was repeated and she scored 15/30. By November she went into residential care. She had it again last week and scored 8/30! I think the results are correct because i have been with her each time and can see how much worse she is getting for myself. My question is, has anyone else seen such a dramatic decline in such a short time? I am terrified. I thought this took years?


Registered User
Feb 20, 2012
Northern Ireland
hi Viccra
Mum was tested last october and scored 22. Tested in Feb and scored 18. Tested in March and scored 14.5. Tested last week and scored 22. Yes tested last week and scored 22.

I spoke to a psychaitrist at work this morning about the results. He told me that you could do a mini mental on someone each week and depending on the frame of mind they are in and what's going on around them the score can go up and down quite dramatically. He said that no one take the mini mental score as a stand alone indicator when deciding on what care someone needs.

He said that how the person is behaving generally in everyday tasks and how they get on generally carries much more sway. He said he knew of cases where people scored perfect scores and yet couldn't boil a kettle, couldn't dress themselves andcouldn't feed themselves properly.

In light of all this I wouldn't worry too much about the MMSE exam score on its own.



Registered User
Oct 26, 2011
Hi viccra,

My father in law has "managed" very similar results. He was initially tested (not that long after his wife died) and got a score of 21/30. He declined over the next year and when he was retested his score had dropped to 4/30! He is currently still living at home with very little outside help. As his GP said recently he could carry on for another 10 years baring any accidents.

As Isabella says the MMSE can't be used on its own as a guide.


Registered User
Aug 25, 2011
hi there,

Isabella41 touches on a very valid point. Re these tests the person i care for scored o.k. ish on the first one then MUCH better on the subsequent one BUT is sadly losing mobility each week....very very steep decline and also confusion and lack of self confidence to do anything is evaporating despite good "scores" in "tests". To the point where soon he will be paralysed in all senses of the word ....with fear....with pain....with no movement......its heartbreaking. This is such a stressful illness as there are many facets to it and therefore its very difficult to understand it. I have met some doctors who dont actually appear to understand the illness in all its different forms. I intend to learn more about it so i can help you and many others but it is a very steep learning curve indeed. We all need much love and support emotionally to live with it.

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