MIL is very lost

Julia B

Registered User
Hello all, MIL has had a bit of a slide further into confusion, and I'm not sure we are dealing as well as she deserves. She's 83, been diagnosed for 4 years, 3.5 of those she has lived with us, She's eating and drinking okay, with cajoling and reminding, but this week she has lost more of herself - at 2 am she was fully dressed going to see her mum and dad, and her sisters were coming to collect her. She's just finished work she thinks ( retired 20 years ago) and is starting to hallucinate too...often not sure where she is or who we are (hubby cares for her full time). So we distract ( coffee Nor?) and reassure ( we'll go when the rain stops)..does that seem ok? She doesn't have a UTI, where is she on this journey please, I have never dealt with the illness before and I want to be sure we are doing everything as well as we can...thanks in advance x


Registered User

I remember this stage. You feel so helpless when they are unable to understand reality. I think that you are coping with it just fine, those are the right tactics to use. When logic and reasoning can no longer work "love lies" are the way to go.

Jo Sutton

Registered User
Hi Julia

We went through this stage with Mum recently, and it's still going to an extent. I contacted the Memory Advice Service (is your MiL being overseen by them? She should be) and told them I was worried about / for her.

They were brilliant! The first thing they did was to stop her donepazil, and that helped a LOT. Mum is much calmer, her hallucinations / delusions are not as intense, and she is much easier to calm down when she gets agitated.

So that would be my suggestion - talk to Memory Advice. I don't know where your MiL is with medication, but adjusting it may help.


Jo xx