Microwave safety sensors


Registered User
Sep 26, 2012
Huddersfield Yorkshire
Hi There,
Whilst having been an observer of Talking Point for a while, I decided to join today to ask for help tracing a safety sensor for microwaves. My dad , who has alzheimers & still lives alone,set the microwave on fire last night .Not a lot of damage but the firemen suggested we get an attachment that senses smoke from the appliance & shuts the heat off before it triggers the smoke alarm in the house.However, after trawling the net for 3 hours & phoning Age Concern, Panasonic help desk & Curry's- no one has heard of such a device.My dad has carers 4 times a day to prepare meals ( they will only use microwaves) so he shouldn't need to do it himself, but try telling him that!I have sent an e-mail to a firm in Canada that looks as if it manufactures them,but thought someone out there must have had the same problem at some point.The firemen have seen the device but don't know how to acquire one either.
Any suggestions gratefully received!


Registered User
Feb 18, 2012
North Staffordshire
Welcome to TP, what a shock for you all. Have to admit i have not heard of sensors as you mention, but my Mum also managed to set microwave on fire when she lived alone.

I do hope that someone comes along who has heard of these sensors.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
"...What about using a circuit breaker then if there is a short it cuts off immediately..."

This would be when the fire is well established, the microwave is only using its standard amount of current, the problem is that all the power is going into a small inflammable material.

Ask the fire brigade for a list of approved suppliers, don't ask for recommendations.

Failing that have a look at:-



Registered User
Aug 24, 2010
North Yorkshire
Hello & Welcome

Welcome to T Point & hope you find it as useful & surpportive :) as i have done , T Point is very friendly & Supportive all at the same time ! :) Sorry to read about the Microwave going up "In Flames " & hope this helps as a "Emergency Stop Gap ". My Uncle who had Altz & also lived on his own had a Special Microwave with "Child Proof Locks " :) That worked well & the late morning Care Staff were able to "Heat Up " the Lunch , sorry if this is not suitable for you & your Father . ( Like the other T P 'er said IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE Firemen's Job to help you buy what you needed !) ( after all it was there bright idea ! ! Sorry to be :rolleyes: )

Best Wishes & hope you find some thing suitable very soon

Love Grove x


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
".....My dad has carers 4 times a day to prepare meals ( they will only use microwaves) so he shouldn't need to do it himself, but try telling him that!..."

You can get lockable 13 amp sockets, the carers could have the key.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Hello painterlady, and welcome to Talking Point, I must admit I also have not heard of these sensors, and if the fire brigade did not tell you who to contact I am sure if they knew they would have informed you at the time, as your carers will only use a microwave to heat a meal could the fuse be taken out? whilst not in use? it would only take a minute or so to put fuse back and at least dad could not use it when on his own, maybe worth checking this out with care agency or Social Services as I am sure this must be a common situation! hope you can get this sorted out soon.
Best wishes and do keep posting and let us know how things are.
Chris x


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
"..could the fuse be taken out? whilst not in use? it would only take a minute or so to put fuse back..."

Carers opening plugtops, changing fuses!!!
For once I agree with HASWA, NO WAY


Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Nitram, very sound advice and information and hope I did not give the wrong impression-many thanks
Painterlady, my idea was meant ONLY as a stop gap maybe for a day or so whilst you were getting things sorted out, and only for your peace of mind.

Best wishes


Registered User
Sep 26, 2012
Huddersfield Yorkshire
Helpful suggestions

Thank you Nitram I'm going to try the safetots lock as a stop gap but as it is stuck on with adhesive I think dad might get round this with brute force eventually! The website you suggested is the firm in Canada that I have e-mailed already.
Haven't heard of the 13 amp socket lock- will chase that up too, along with the Blind society website.Thanks to Lin1 , Grove & Chris 53 for helpful suggestions & all posters for the welcome!
The hospital have said dad has suffered no ill effects from the smoke & are finding him a bed in Respite care for a few days till we can sort something out.


max biaggi

Registered User
Oct 16, 2012
My aunt who has Alzheimers's uses a microwave oven to heat Wiltshire Farm Foods frozen meals.

This has worked well until recently when she has started to put the oven on for 40 minutes rather than the ten minutes required, thus setting off smoke alarms etc.

Is there a microwave oven that anyone is aware of that can have a maximum time of say 15 minutes or can only bet set to short pre-set times via buttons, to eliminate this problem?
