Mental health review???


New member
May 18, 2024
Hi everyone

I was wondering if anybody knew what happens at a “mental health review” at a care home? My relatives has been push forward for next week from July! Due to behaviour changes and agitation etc


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hi @abigail26 and welcome to the forum, this is a friendly place with a lot of shared experience, and people are happy to help if they can. From personal experience with my mum, she did have a few visits from someone from the older adults mental health team when she first went into her care home. They looked at the changes in behaviour (agitation) to try to ascertain if there was a specific cause for this, and also considered whether her medication needed to be reviewed/changed. They involved both the care home and family in their discussions. Sometimes it can take a while to find the best type of medication or dosage so they'll keep things under review. It sounds like your relative will possibly be having a similar type of review.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Horrible question I know but are they sectioned (normally 2 or 3) or they under a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguarding Order (DoLSO), it might matter. K


New member
May 18, 2024
Hi @abigail26 and welcome to the forum, this is a friendly place with a lot of shared experience, and people are happy to help if they can. From personal experience with my mum, she did have a few visits from someone from the older adults mental health team when she first went into her care home. They looked at the changes in behaviour (agitation) to try to ascertain if there was a specific cause for this, and also considered whether her medication needed to be reviewed/changed. They involved both the care home and family in their discussions. Sometimes it can take a while to find the best type of medication or dosage so they'll keep things under review. It sounds like your relative will possibly be having a similar type of review.
Thank you Louise! This is reassuring. What kind of medications did they start your mum on if you don’t mind me asking? My relative is already on memantine and started on lorazepam By the GP


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
It was some time ago now @abigail26 and I can't remember what the GP prescribed initially, but it was an antipsychotic, and the mental health team said that they wouldn't have prescribed this, and changed it to mirtazapine. The mental health team do tend to be more experienced with dementia than GP's so hopefully will be able to help your relative, but it may be a case of 'trial & error' for a while to find out what works best.


Registered User
Oct 2, 2009
I need about of help and I typed in sectioned. I had a call from the care home by LO is in and was told he had soiled himself and was refusing personal care and if I could help calm him down. I went and was greeted by the matron at the door telling me his mental health is unstable and he isn’t understanding.. I said ‘he does have dementia!?’ She was repeating that his mental
Health is different and I asked ‘are you saying he is at risk of being sectioned’ and she said ‘yes’. I went into his room and he was agitated but not aggressive he was whispering and wanting me to be quiet..and whisper. I managed to encourage him to change his pants and wash his hands.. and calm him down so he was able to go in the dining room and have his tea and a drink.. he calmed down and stopped whispering. The matron then decided to ask how he was ‘ reminding him he’s had a bad day today!?’ But I distracted him from being reminded.. she went on to ask if he has a psychiatrist!? I am just confused to be honest. I am meeting with the home tomorrow but just wanted advice. How do others cope with encouraging LO to do personal care and surely a dementia unit will have dealt with this situation previously.. !??