Memory worries after brain scan


Registered User
Nov 27, 2009
I've recently had a brain scan which has come up with a diagnosis that I have moderate degree of atrophic changes. I have a further appointment to have cognitive tests to assess the problems.

For the past eighteen months my memory has steadily deteriated where I am forgetting things on a regular basis, I put things down and cant find them which is incredibly frustrating. I put thing on the oven forget that I have anything on the cooker, tis has resulted in a few burnt pizzas etc. Since getting my letter I am becoming worried that there may be some form of dementia which is responsible for my poor memory and mood swings.

One other thing is that I am a recovering alcoholic and have been dry for 12 years.

Wonder if anyone has any advice?

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
No advice Balckcat but lots of sympathy. It must be terrible waiting for results.

We have a very active group of people with memory problems and different forms of dementia on Talking Point [TP] and I know they`ll soon be on line to offer support.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Hi Blackcat and welcome to Talking Point.

I know it is possible to get alcohol-induced dementia but if you have been dry for 12 years I think this is unlikely, although I'm not a doctor so can't say for sure.

It must be so frustrating for you waiting for the cognitive tests, and devastating all round to be advised of the atrophic changes. Poor memory in itself doesn't necessarily mean dementia. Ther are all sorts of reasons including stress and depression which can cause memory problems.

Is your appointment for the other tests soon?

Vonny xx


Registered User
Nov 27, 2009

Thanks Vonny Your probably right about the alcohol related dementia the consultant I saw thought that if it was this then I would have been showing signs much earlier. I really dont know what it is all I do know is that its not only about fogetting where I have put things its where I'm increasingly finding it difficult to remember recent events such as I cant remember having my grandson around last xmas. Also when I try to remember things that have recently happened its like looking through treacle while memories of beiong at college 25 yrs ago are really clear.

I'm still waiting for the date of my next appointment for the cognitive testing. All I do know is that since getting the letter a couple of days ago I'm getting both worrie as well as angry. I know that drinking probably contributed to my memory problems it doesnt help.


Registered User
Feb 3, 2009
Blackcat, it may be worth phoning the consultant's department and trying to push for an early test. Let them know how worried and upset you are. It may not work but nothing ventured and all that.

Of course you are angry and even if drinking has contributed that doesn't help you now. Especially since you have done so marvellously over the last 12 years and I hope that you will continue that excellent achievement. I'm a smoker so I do know about addiction sadly. Even with a smoker's cough I can't give up so I sincerely admire you.

I think one of the key things about forgetfulness in dementia is forgetting how to do something or forgetting what something is for. Someone explained to me once that forgetting where you put your keys is one thing, forgetting what the keys are for is another thing entirely and probably indicative of dementia.

I do hope your test date comes through soon.

Vonny xx