Memory clinic on monday


Registered User
The hospital has just rung me up and fitted me in the memory clinic on monday, wow that was fast, I only saw the neurologist last month. I just hope they will be quick to get the mri done too. Im only 47.


Registered User
Went to memory clinic this morning, was quite good, they think its more MCI than dementia, but only the MRI will see if and how much damage there is. So its either MCI or AD, not sure how i feel, was hoping they'd say don't worry, go away and forget about it for a while lol. Wish they'd hurry up with the scan though.


Volunteer Moderator
I'm glad you've been able to get this appointment so quickly. I hope the scan comes soon.

It must be very hard to be at this stage of not knowing what the diagnosis is. Especially when you are so young. The benefit of knowing of course is that you might be able to get some medication. The earlier the diagnosis the earlier medication can be started if that is what is deemed appropriate.

Good luck. x


Registered User
Hi youngest glad you got your appointment quick for the memory clinic hope you ot have to wait to long for your scan, must be really hard for you not knowing what you are dealing with. Good luck, lindxx


Registered User
Well finally got the report back from the memory clinic, 73 out of 100 on the addenbrookes test. the only one i got 16/16 was visuospatial. But am still awaiting MRI.
I believe anything less than 82 they tend to say dementia, but hes put probable functional memory problems. He mentioned MCI when i was there but its not mentioned in the report.
Its all such a guessing game till i get the mri to see what that says, but it seems to be good news.


Registered User
Just found out they didnt request the mri back in march so alot of wasted time. They are going to send out a new request.

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Registered User
Its on Wednesday, finally got it sorted. Nervous wait now.

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Registered User
Went easy enough. After being told there was months of waiti g for the clinical psychologist ive now got an appt in 10 days and back to the consultant at end of july. It was earlier but I couldnt get there for 9am so had to change it for rwo weeks after. Am nervous about him changing his mind from mci to early onset with the mri results.

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