
Crazy Mayor

New member
Apr 16, 2024
Hi THere,
My Mum is in a care home now due to her dementia getting worse. I just wanted to know if the medication they give has improved any ones relatives out there?
Mum has become very aggressive and agitated.

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome @Crazy Mayor

When my husband was in residential care all his medication was prescribed by the home’s GP and if I had any questions I booked to see him.

Do you think your mother’s dementia downturn could be the reason you decided on residency and the fact you may be seeing less of her than when she was in her own home makes the changes more noticeable.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
In terms of the adigatition and aggression medication can be quite effective I've found, however, they only treat a symptom, not the disease itself.
Some years ago there was a big row about care homes using the Chemical Cosh i.e. medicating people into being compliant, things have moved on since then, sedation is frowned down be the medications used now are the ones used in the old days. K

Crazy Mayor

New member
Apr 16, 2024
Welcome @Crazy Mayor

When my husband was in residential care all his medication was prescribed by the home’s GP and if I had any questions I booked to see him.

Do you think your mother’s dementia downturn could be the reason you decided on residency and the fact you may be seeing less of her than when she was in her own home makes the changes more noticeable.
Hi Grannie,
Thank you for your reply.

I know mum has changed within these last 3 years of getting ill physical and mentally. She has been in hospital lately due to one thing and another, meanly due to infection. It's just she become more aggressive and agitated and it doesn't seem to be calming down. The doctor paid her a visit today and has seen a change in her. The doctor is going to refer her to the elderly mental health team now. I do understand there is no cure but just to put her in a more relaxed calm state is better than nothing these days.


Crazy Mayor

New member
Apr 16, 2024
In terms of the adigatition and aggression medication can be quite effective I've found, however, they only treat a symptom, not the disease itself.
Some years ago there was a big row about care homes using the Chemical Cosh i.e. medicating people into being compliant, things have moved on since then, sedation is frowned down be the medications used now are the ones used in the old days. K
Hi Grannie,
Thank you for your reply.

I know mum has changed within these last 3 years of getting ill physical and mentally. She has been in hospital lately due to one thing and another, meanly due to infection. It's just she become more aggressive and agitated and it doesn't seem to be calming down. The doctor paid her a visit today and has seen a change in her. The doctor is going to refer her to the elderly mental health team now. I do understand there is no cure but just to put her in a more relaxed calm state is better than nothing these days.


Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Infections have quite a severe detrimental effect on dementia.

It`s good the doctor will be trying to sort the aggression and agitation. Fingers crossed you`ll have a much more contented mother before long @Crazy Mayor