Medication Dispensers - can anyone share their experience?


Registered User
Jul 31, 2013
Hi does anyone have any experience with some of the automatic medication dispensing units available?

My mother was taking too many tabs as she forgot whether or not she had taken them. She of course denied this. We tried the automatic dispenser which I thought was brilliant. It needed filling a week at a time then set to open at certain times. We had 8 til 9 in the morning and 6 til 7 in evening. The machine would beep at 8 am and release the small compartment of tabs. It would then beep every 10 mins for the hour until tabs were taken. If they were not taken then it would stop beeping at 9 am.But she hated it because she couldn't get at her tabs. After 3 days she destroyed it by repeatedly throwing it on the floor !
We found a locked box better. She was having twice daily carers and they and myself new the the code. Although they could not dispense the tabs they could open the box and take them out for her. We had a bad few days when she accused us all of refusing to let her have her tabs but then she settled down.
Now she is in CH and refuses all medication !

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