Medical Bracelet Jewelry


Registered User
Jan 20, 2015
Does anyone know anyone making nice quality (not too expensive!) bangles that I can put my mother's information on?

I was hoping to get my mother a nice jewelry looking bracelet that I could personalised with her name, address, GP and so on. I would like to get her something she loves the look of (so that she'll wear it!), and also something that se can leave on (as I don't expect she would always remember to take it off when washing and replace it, for example).

My mother is still living at home by herself, and managing pretty well at the moment, but I'd like her to have something obvious about her person, that will tell people where she lives, who her GP is, who to contact in an emergency. I thought there would be loads of choice, but I guess I am just looking in the wrong place (I found a lovely leather medical alert bracelet on Etsy, but when I checked with the maker, it did need to be removed when bathing)

Thank you!


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
Medic alert do one, its neither pretty nor cheap but is the best way to go

you are going to need fair sized bracelet to get all that info on.

The theory is that the medic alert one is easily recognisable, who would think to examine an ordinary bracelet that well?


Registered User
Jan 20, 2015
I get that that's the idea, but I don't think my mother will will wear something so obviously not like jewelry she's used to. I think she would have no difficulty pointing to the information if she needed it (she more has problems trying to vocalise the information, and when she can't, gets more anxious and less able to), certainly at the moment - if (or realistically, when) she has more trouble, I agree a 'proper' medical alert one would be the way to go.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
I think that whatever you do, you will run the risk of her removing it. If she dosnt like it she will take it off because she doesnt want to wear it; if she does like it she may well put it "away safely". I found mums prized gold necklace in her tea caddy underneath all the tea bags..............


Registered User
Feb 27, 2018
I don't know what stage your mother is at, but you may have difficulty getting her to wear it even if it's attractive jewelry that she likes. My mother would remove anything 'foreign' - i.e. anything she was not used to wearing every day. And if she thought something was precious, she'd hide it somewhere to keep it safe.

After my mother got lost the first time, we got a small laminated ID card which lived in her handbag but she then started going out without her handbag. Her carer told me that the first place the police check for ID is pockets, but unless she always wears the same coat that isn't very helpful, and she may remove the card anyway.


Registered User
Jan 20, 2015
Thanks for the replies.
I guess I'll need to have more of a think...
Nothing's ever that simple, is it..?