Me Talking

sonia owen

Registered User
Hi All,

I wonder like me you get into trouble talking to others. Mum won't put both her hearing aids in. Its a case of what, pardon all day long. If I just mention have you got both of them in, I really get it in the neck before the day even starts.

Yesterday at Carers when we came out she grumbled that I did'nt talk to her enough.
What can you do when folks are chatting to me and each other.
I suppose she likes one to one, but it can be hard when she won't wear her aids to help. You can't even see them as they are both private one.

Well thats my moan tapped out.
Hope for a less wet day, as we are off on a trip to Exmoor. Lets hope no one speaks to me or I will be in it!!!!!!!
Love Sonia xxxxx


Registered User
Apr 5, 2010
Mum won't wear hers so I either end up having to raise my voice or give up. Even when I do try she miss hears what I say. She tells me it is me messing about as she can hear everyone else but they are shouting at her. The Dr came in to see her and we chatted about various things. It became very obvious that Mum couldn't hear a word either of us said so afterwards told me I didn't need to talk to the Dr again.

I really wish she would put her hearing aids in as she is missing so much and cutting herself off from things.

mrs pepperpot

Registered User
Nov 12, 2010
south wales
my mum wont wear her glasses anymore , this wouldnt be too much of a problem appart from the fact that 2 years ago, she had a fall and bumped her head, the optician made her new glasses because after the fall she started seeing double in her right eye. the glasses worked like magic but now she wont wear them anymore, so all day long i get "why do we have so many dogs? when my brother comes over with his dog and its out in the garden with mums dogs she thinks there are 4 dogs! when we are out she will say things like "look at those 2 lovely little girls" ill say theres only 1 mum and we laugh as she remembers her problem, she has learnt that if she tilts her head to 1 side and screws up her right eye the double vision goes, then we go through the whole "you bumped your head and need your glasses story again" it makes no difference though. yesterday she saw 2 helicopters go over, 4 hens sitting up on the gate , there were only 2, and when my brother came in through the gate she said" who the hell as he got with him now ?" couple that with the nonstop repeated questions and its beginging to get me down a bit..the other day i counted on my fingers under the table and she asked me "whats that tree with the orange buds on it called" 17 times in a row!!!! i draw little diagrams or writhe simple messages down on squares of white paper and put them on the table for her so she doesnt have to ask all the time and she likes that, but then she will sit there with the paper in her hand and say"wheres the paper you wrote on so i know what that tree is called and i wont have to ask you?" we laugh when i point out its in her hand!! Oh God thank you for making me so patient......Im not moaning just observing....


Registered User
Nov 17, 2011
I had this problem with my mother. I did however start her off with just 1 although she needed 2.

She never mastered putting them in herself so the the carers would put it in and she would take it out and we would have the same as you because she could not hear properly - doh! She would come within inches of your face to try and hear what was being said and even though she is my mother I found this an invasion of my space as did others where she lives.

After some hissy fits (well quite a lot really) - mine usually - we got there and after a few months we went back and got the other one and she now wears them all the time. The carers put them in in the morning and she takes them out when she goes to bed herself.

One of her comments in the early days was 'I keep hearing lots of things' !! "Yes mother that is right we all hear things and that is what it/they are for" :eek: !!!!!!!!!!!

One of the posts the other day was about behaviour and I would definately put this down to being a bit like a child.

Can you ask the carers to put them in as I did? It takes a bit of patience (which I must admit I did not have in the early days) but we got there in the end.

Amazingly enough I am very patient now - it grew the further down the line we got when I realised it was the illness and not just her being bloody minded. Took a lot of practice though ;)

Best Wishes


Registered User
Dec 11, 2011
Hubby has a very similar problem. We went to see the audiologist who spent loads of time fitting hubbys new "in the ear" hearing aids. Now he hardly wears them and everything has to be said 2 or 3 times before he hears. I also think that the problem is that hubby can no longer process information because of the AZ so a double whammy really.
Then I get told off for shouting and also for leaving him out of conversations. hey ho, what is a girl to do!!!!!!!:):)


Registered User
Feb 17, 2011
My mum's the same, the minute i turn my back she takes the hearing aid out and tucks it in to a pocket then turns the tv up full blast saying she cant hear it.. I stay across the street from my mum and i can hear the tv in my house. I'll pop over and she'll tell me it fell out.Then theres the remote control saga, she somehow manages to lose all the channels when she puts the tv on and phones at 7am for me to go fix it. Ive lost count of the times ive wanted to bash her over the head with the tv. I scream at her if you wore youre **** hearing aid you'd hear the tv.

Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
My friend is hopeless with hearing aids but what has worked with the TV is something called TV Ears, - it is quite expensive (about £65) but as they work so well she wears them because I think she is able to enjoy her programmes better - but she's not deaf you realize;):rolleyes::) I'm not good at posting links but if you type TV Ears into google you will find them if anyone's interested.


Registered User
Apr 5, 2010
Mum wouldn't let the carers put them in, pulled them out herself and hid them places. We spent many a happy hour looking for them. Mum was supposed to go back for a check up but refused and now thinks the hearing aids are mine. :(


Registered User
Jan 31, 2012
My Mum is 81 and doesn't have alhzeimers or anything, but like others referred to on this topic has hearing aids but often refuses to wear them. She's a widow who lives alone and says that she doesn't see anyone from one day to the next so doesn't want to waste the batteries.....and because she doesn't have her hearing aids in she has difficulty in hearing the phone ring.

Making a phone call to my mother is always so stressful because even if by chance she does hear the phone ring I always have to enunciate very carefully, speak clearly and often repeat things. And Mum wonders why I don't enjoy phoning very often!


Registered User
Jun 4, 2010
West Midlands
My mum's the same, the minute i turn my back she takes the hearing aid out and tucks it in to a pocket then turns the tv up full blast saying she cant hear it.. I stay across the street from my mum and i can hear the tv in my house. I'll pop over and she'll tell me it fell out.Then theres the remote control saga, she somehow manages to lose all the channels when she puts the tv on and phones at 7am for me to go fix it. Ive lost count of the times ive wanted to bash her over the head with the tv. I scream at her if you wore youre **** hearing aid you'd hear the tv.

Tv's ..... We managed to get a very cheap surround sound cinema system thingy (technical stuff, not my best subject :D) and when mum comes to stay, we don't have to have the telly too loud as the noise is all around the room from the 6 speakers - feels like we are watching telly in a cinema when we have it on but atleast we can talk to each other without having to shout, and mum can hear the telly. :D

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