Managing your mental health


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
The 10th October was world mental health day, so here at Dementia Support Forum we wanted to ask you what you do to support your own mental health.

People living with dementia have a higher than normal chance of experiencing depression and anxiety, especially if you’ve had depression before.

People living with both dementia and another mental health problem might benefit from talking therapies, including counselling and CBT.

We have a page on the Alzheimer’s Society website detailing ways to manage living with both dementia and a mental health problem. You can read this here.

Do you have other tips on how you manage your mental health? Please share any self-care tips below.

Two people clasping hands over a white table.


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Im just think about my poeple what they need so not much bout me. When im try to think of kind thing to do for other sombody im forget to wurry bout my stuf. May be you can now what i mean im not say so good. Whay is cbt mean? Can help dementions?


Staff Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Hi @MatthewB,
Thank you for replying. It's really kind that you think about other people and their needs first. I'm glad that helping others helps you to worry less as well.

It can help your mood to take care of your own mental health too. CBT is a type of therapy. It doesn't cure dementia, but it can help with feeling down, depressed or worried. Other therapy, like speaking with a counsellor, can help as well. It can give you a space to talk about what worries you.

Your doctor might be able to tell you if this would help you.
I hope that you can find more things that help you with your worries.


Registered User
Dec 3, 2023
As I've posted on 'Say Hello....' thread am newly diagnosed (Oct 3rd) & am pretty sure am still in shock & have bouts of depression, which I think is likely connected to the many negative experiences I've had trying to get support. My G.P. referred me for a 'Social Prescriber' but after an 'Assessment' phone call I was told I didn't qualify as I'm not housebound. which didn't help either!
I live alone, my family live abroad & my dog died a few years back.
Oh dear, I sound like a Country & Western Song lol.
Being diagnosed at the beginning of Winter, which I've never liked, as I hate the long dark night hours which is when my anxiety soars & I feel so isolated in the darkness I cry.
I also have Fibromyalgia (diagnosed 13 years ago), ongoing Sinusitis since Covid, MCS & Pulsatile Tinnitus which is always worse at night & can be very scary.
Now I sound like a Shakespearian Tragedy - "Woe is me!" lol.
I'd appreciate any responses, replies, as I need to know I'm not the only one going through this.
ps: I still haven't managed to get any one-to-one support.
Are there still 'Social Workers'? And if so, how do I get one?


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
As I've posted on 'Say Hello....' thread am newly diagnosed (Oct 3rd) & am pretty sure am still in shock & have bouts of depression, which I think is likely connected to the many negative experiences I've had trying to get support. My G.P. referred me for a 'Social Prescriber' but after an 'Assessment' phone call I was told I didn't qualify as I'm not housebound. which didn't help either!
I live alone, my family live abroad & my dog died a few years back.
Oh dear, I sound like a Country & Western Song lol.
Being diagnosed at the beginning of Winter, which I've never liked, as I hate the long dark night hours which is when my anxiety soars & I feel so isolated in the darkness I cry.
I also have Fibromyalgia (diagnosed 13 years ago), ongoing Sinusitis since Covid, MCS & Pulsatile Tinnitus which is always worse at night & can be very scary.
Now I sound like a Shakespearian Tragedy - "Woe is me!" lol.
I'd appreciate any responses, replies, as I need to know I'm not the only one going through this.
ps: I still haven't managed to get any one-to-one support.
Are there still 'Social Workers'? And if so, how do I get one?
Hi my name is Matt and I am so sorry to can hear about them trouble you have I pray that you find peace and some rest from them is trouble God bless you I know these folks can be so many helping they they are so kind and never say you are whining or anything like that they understand so good what is go on and always give so many good advices so I'm hope they can help you they are smart and no so many things I can listen and pray so I'm do that okay I'm hope you be well and not so worry. Lord bless you real good this is Matt


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
Hello @angelagail

Welcome to our friendly and supportive community. I’m so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. You must still be in shock and coming to terms with it. Fibromyalgia I know from friends is also very limiting and painful.

what a shame about the social prescriber. In our area their support would include you.

You are entitled to a social services assessment for your care and support needs. If you go online to your local authority website and look up adult social care it should tell you how to refer yourself.

What kind of help and support are you looking for?

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