LPA and legwork

Liberty and Tiesha

New member
Apr 25, 2024
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone else has had a problem with the 'use an LPA service via the government website. I have added my dads LPA to the website allowing me a user access code for all establishments that need a copy but it seems it was a pointless task. It appears nobody uses it regardless of the service being made available several years ago.

I keep being asked by professional bodies to scan in copies of the LPA and send them via email however my address isn't a secure one therefore I'm having to do the legwork from one place to another. I would love someone to enlighten me as to why anyone is rarely agreeing to use the government website to view original LPAs. When I registered I wrongly suspected that it would make things easier as it seems to be wholly reliable to me but pointless if not even a solicitor or a GP surgery accept it.


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
Hi @Liberty and Tiesha , I think the reason some don't accept the code is that access is allowed only for 28 days and then it needs renewing. I suspect some institutions need longer. Also the full LPA isn't available on line , it just gives details of the attorneys, addresses and .restrictions. That's ok if you want to use it for permission to discuss the pwd details and the organisation notes the records but for some legal work this won't be suffice .The DWP accept the code now and some banks do. The job centre will do certified copies if you ask. ,my friend had it done there last week🙂


Registered User
Jan 26, 2022
This was my constant gripe with the system….I did find with a few banks they just didn’t know what they were talking about. I went straight to complaints and found they actually DID accept the code. A real pain and a constant source of stress which has put me off ever being willing to be POA again!


Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
The full LPA will be needed for a house sale and for opening an POA bank account. I think that's probably to do with anti fraud laws. Opening POA accounts will require id for you and your pwd.. I used DWP letter ,Tax code letter and pension P60 for OH i.d. as he has no driving license or passport.


Registered User
Oct 12, 2023
The problem I had with the DWP was that although I sent and they recorded the POA they have multiple depts. Many depts use a different system so you either have to keep sending in the POA with the worry of them being lost or just accept that you can't deal with them.
Eventually with the Winter fuel people I decided that there wasn't enough time left in my life to try and deal with them and gave up


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
I think most prefer in person application.

LPA,EPA and Deputyship registers are created by the Office of the Public Guardian and the information they put on the register is limited. For instance Deputyship Order just indicates it has restrictions but does not indicate what the restrictions are.
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Registered User
Dec 29, 2023
LPA code is accepted now by DWP departments .it wasn't last year , nightmares , so I just informed them of changes in writing but I used it recently and they definitely take the code now x

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