LPA advice


New member
Feb 26, 2024
Hi All,
Mum diagnosed with dementia in 2018. Mum made decision to grant her solicitor and sister as LPA's.
Mums solicitor is becoming ill with cancer now and my auntie just lost her husband and has not grieved properly yet.
My auntie struggles with the finances, she has both POA's. but can't do online /telephone banking and passes on financial matters to solicitor( expensive).
I want to become POA now. I am living in Australia now after growing up in NW England and finding it difficult to explain financial matters to my auntie.
How do I apply to become my mumsPOA now. She doesn't have capacity to call it. Any advice kindly received


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Welcome to Dementia Support Forum @bebbs68. Unfortunately if your mum no longer has capacity she can't change her POA. You can apply for Deputyship, but I'm not sure how easy that would be to manage long-distance. Is there anyone else in the UK who could step up to be your mum's deputy?
This is a very friendly and supportive place so I'm sure someone who has experience of managing the care of someone with dementia when they aren't living close by will be along soon.


New member
Feb 26, 2024
Hi Sarasa, yeh, i'll look into Deputyship. Other person mentioned this to me. Just don't want to be left on outside looking in if solicitor AND my auntie fall ill and can't manage it. Thanks


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
The court will not grant a deputyship whilst there is valid LPA,
The two attorneys would have to agree in advance to revoke if deputyship is granted, probably best done by submitted revocations with an added clause saying not to be acted upon until deputyship is granted,


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
I have rung the Office of the Public Guardian to ask about this; they said there was no requirement to be a UK resident to be a deputy. They pointed out that in this age of on-line communications a lot could be handled from a distance. A helpful and clear response.

That’s NHS service for you 🤣🤣 a blackberry trip! When mum was last in hospital she thought she was in a boarding house in Devon and just a shame the other people were too ill to enjoy their holiday!

I find it amazing the things she’s been busy doing when she’s had a ‘bed day’…..always happy with her day tho!

what a strange life we lead!

I am pleased that you have a much calmer life @Chris100. It can be hard to accept that we can no longer do the things we want to so well done on developing that mindset.
Hope this helps answer your question, oh and welcome, my manners! K