Living in Spain. So worried.


Registered User
Jan 15, 2013
After being admitted to hospital O.H. has now being moved to the intensive care unit apart from the Thrombosis on his lung there is a problem with is heart. He is really stressed and disorintated pulling out his meds and taking off his oxygen mask. The nurses are really good but they don't speak English and I also have a problem finding out what is going on. Your are only allowed to visit for half an hour so its over an hours travel to spend just half an hour, Can't fault the medical care. Managed to find the way without to many problems but will be so relieved once when it happends they move him to a ward as here in Spain they expect the family to do all the caring, which I will be only to happy to do. Have tried to explain that he has early Alzheimers but all they said was no problem Dr. said they are used to having elderly patients who get agresive and not to worry abour this. Hopefully he will improve, will let you know.


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
I'm so sorry to read this news. It must be such a worry for you. I do hope your husband is moved nearer to you soon.

I hope you are getting some support yourself, from friends etc. Take care of yourself.


Registered User
Jun 11, 2013
must be very scary for you I know how I felt when my husband had a heart attack an was in hospital here in England. I hope you have some support there. chin up thinking of you juniepoonie


Registered User
Jan 15, 2013
Living in Spain

Just got back from the half hour visit. Slight improvement Thank god the Dr. spoke english said if he improves they will move him out of intensive care and on to a ward on Sunday. Our 40th wedding anniversary tomorrow but I have left a card for him. He was more lucid today and could talk as they have taken off the oxygen mask. Feel better and managed not to get lost both ways. So not so stressed today. Thanks for your replies I appreciate them. Acacia