Live Q&A on dementia and finance - 9 November


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Hi everyone,

Please see below for details of Alzheimer's Society and Santander's live Q&A next month :)

What is this event?

Alzheimer’s Society and Santander’s Facebook Live Q&A is a financial wellbeing event, hosted live on Facebook on Wednesday 9 November 2022 at 3pm.

The event will showcase an expert panel of speakers from the Society and Santander. We will be asking the public to submit their finance and dementia-related questions through our Facebook event, to be answered live on the day.

It is an opportunity to talk through some of the most common concerns when dealing with finance and dementia, and the ways both organisations can help. The event is not around general financial advice.

Who is it for?

This event is for anyone who has questions or wants information around the common themes that arise when dealing with dementia and finance. You might have questions such as: How do I protect my loved one’s account when they have dementia? How do I manage my money if I am living with dementia? What is a lasting power of attorney?

You could be living with dementia yourself or be a family member or a friend of someone living with dementia.

What will you get out of it?

We want you to leave the event feeling confident about some of the main issues that surround finance and dementia, and that you can turn to Alzheimer’s Society and Santander for further guidance. We want you to feel that you are not alone. We also want you to know about the great resources Alzheimer’s Society have, and the fantastic ways Santander are working to help customers with dementia.

The Q&A will be taking place >here<


Registered User
Jul 2, 2022
How can we post questions? I tried to use the comments feature but it seems to be blocked for posting.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Pejic Do you have a Facebook account? I've just taken a look and it seems that you can use the comments feature if you have a Facebook account and are logged in.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
@Pejic @Louise7

No Facebook account.
I get

All comments are several days old,
I believe host is AS

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Sorry about this Folks.

At the moment, questions will need to be on Facebook, but the staff team will be checking to see if questions posted on the thread can be fed into the event.


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
I can understand that opening to public would result in an avalanche of undesirable entries, reading between lines I think this was original setup and access was then restricted and content deleted.


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Hi everyone,

Just a reminder that this Q&A is taking place on Wednesday 9 November.

If you don't have access to Facebook, that's not a problem - please post your questions here, and the team will arrange for them to be submitted in.

The event itself will be streamed live on Facebook, but it will be recorded and made available to watch on YouTube. We'll share the link to the recording as soon as we can.

As I mentioned, please do post any questions on this thread if you don't have a Facebook account :)


Registered User
Jul 2, 2022
1. Will an 'Affairs' POA allow my attorney(s) to have complete control of my Premium Bonds in my name, or will they have to cash them and buy replacements in their name NS&I are very finicky about joint accounts.
2. Will an 'Affairs' POA work for dealing with pension payments from a foreign country (Bulgaria).
3. we obviously choose attorneys from people we currently trust, but people and situations change so who actually polices the attorneys to make sure they're doing their duty?
4. If you have more than one attorney and they do not agree what do, who resolves the conflict?


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
Thanks so much for these @Pejic - we'll pass your questions on.

After the session, I'll post a link to the recording on this thread for everyone.


Staff Member
Staff member
Apr 29, 2014
A reminder that the Q&A is today at 3pm :)

It will be taking place >here< but I'll also be posting a link to the recording here once it's available.