Little update


Registered User
Feb 11, 2022
I spent so much time trying to find out what happened at the different stages etc etc and when the end came, it was not what I was expecting. Try not to overthink. I’m sending love to all going through this.


Registered User
Dec 31, 2022
Hope people don’t mind me doing little updates. Just nice to have a space to get things down. Mum was so vocal this morning the most in 6 months and nothing at all coherent, not even words really but she was so loud, I don’t think in all my 34 years I’ve ever heard my mum that loud. So unusual for her. I can’t believe she’s lost noticeable weight to last week especially with how thin she already is. she was so small in the bed and where her legs are bent she literally was only in the top half of the bed the rest was just cushions and various pads where she’s getting a few sores. She’s still enjoying her chocolate buttons 😁 I noticed a few red patches on her arms that looked a bit sore and a small sore on her knuckle :( she did however actually of her own accord hold my hand twice which was so lovely! I immediately welled up! Smallest of things meaning so much at the moment! Her hands and feet are super cold and she had some redness to her fingertips and nails I hadn’t noticed before and the soles of her feet looked a bit like patchy red with a little purple but I think that due to them being chilly so made sure he blanket was tucked in nice. The flowers I bought her over the last year are all blooming nicely on her window sill so making her room very cheery in deed! Especially with the blue sky backdrop :)


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
It's lovely to read your updates @Rackjw. I hope it helps you to write things down. I'm glad you mum is still enjoying here choolate buttons!


Registered User
Feb 11, 2022
It’s lovely to hear that some one else’s Mum gets so much pleasure from Buttons. I have to say, the orange ones and mint ones went down well, but in the end, it was always the giant standard ones that came out tops 😀


Registered User
Jan 29, 2013
South Wales
Sometimes my mum can be a bit irritable and out of sorts and I get the home to give her some liquid paracetamol in case she is in pain (sometimes the pitch of her verbalisation changes - just wails not words) - she has sore patches occasionally, however the home are good at identifying and treating them quickly


Registered User
Dec 31, 2022
Another birthday come and gone but mum was happy with chocolates and flowers. Got a couple of smiles. Thinner and if possible more Grey looking today except for her feet and arms which vary between grey, red blotchy and normal. She did give me a hum and a little wave of her arms which is her version of a sing and a dance so that made me smile and I was sure to reciprocate.

Not much communicate as usual just lots of noises oh and the part where she shouted clearer than she has in a while “ they are all dead!!!!” Actually made me jump :)

Had another call with her doctors regarding her cancer she’s got it in a couple spots and it is Pallative care. She doesn’t seem to be in pain but everyone’s keeping an eye.

Just want her to find her peace and no longer suffering. I’m sure my dads waiting for her with a cold glass of sangria. X


Registered User
Jun 18, 2022
Mum has cashmere fingerless gloves. Helps keep her hands toasty. Loose sheepskin type socks may help protect the feet from sores and help with cold extremities?


Registered User
Dec 31, 2022
Mum has cashmere fingerless gloves. Helps keep her hands toasty. Loose sheepskin type socks may help protect the feet from sores and help with cold extremities?
Oh they sound like good ideas! Thank you! Will look into getting some. :) xx


Registered User
Dec 31, 2022
Mum was very sleepy today. Didn’t get any sounds from her at all. Just lots of looking at me when she was awake or sleeping. She did grab my hand twice which shocked me as she has been not so keen on that so that was lovely and she actually stroked my chin twice 😁. It was quite a shocking sight however when I first arrived as she was asleep but trying to pull herself forward with her bed railing and she had pushed her blanket off and it’s the first time I’ve seen her legs bare in a few months and I could see her hip bone and pelvis in great detail which really took me aback as that combined with her being sleepy and a little pale she just looked the weakest she had looked in a long time. I hate seeing her like this. Had a call from a Marie curie nurse this week re going over her universal care plan and she’s going to pop into see mum next week. I presume just to check her over and see how she’s doing. I think it’s part of the community Pallative care from the cancer side of things? X