linda lane

linda lane

Registered User
Apr 30, 2014
hi, my aunty has vascular dementia, she's had more bad days than good the last two weeks, is there a local charity out there that can help her husband cope


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
Lindy Lane, Welcome to TP.
Sorry to hear your Aunt has had more bad days than good recently , could it be an infection such as a UTI (urinary tract infection) my mum would get rapidly worse due to infections.

Their are a few charities that may be of help. I found these three to be very helpful . I will look up links and phone numbers and put them here in a mo.

Depending on their age, Age UK, formally age concern.

Amongst other things , they know what's available in the area, can put you in contact with other helpful charities.
They often run coffee morning and dinners for specific groups , ie suffers and carers of dementia, can help with benefit checks to ensure you are claiming what you're entitled to and form filling.
My local centre also has things like , laundry, toenail cutting and a day centre for those with dementia
For some of the above their is a fee, my dad uses their toenail cutting service, it cost him around £7 or 8 each time

The Alzheimer's Society.
They like Age uk, know what's available in the area, run special cafes and courses can help with form filling and more.

Crossroads Care
Google , Crossroads care uk.
If available in your area
Trained paid carers come in to give carers a break for a few hrs a week.
So the carer can get some rest, go out, some will take the caree out .
I don't know how much they charge now.

If you click on , Alzheimer's society resources on the first light blue line of each page on TP , you will find a drop down list of things that you may find helpful.

Adult social services may be able to help, phone the local authority.

Please feel free to ask question on here, we will do our best to help
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Registered User
Mar 26, 2011
Near Southampton
Try to see if there is a Carers UK group in your area as they can be very informative and supportive.
Also the Princess Royal Trust for Carers.

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