Limited capability for work questionnaire (rant)


Registered User

Has anyone else had to complete one of these forms from ATOS for their partner?

Early onset dementia means that my wife, who is only 59, has lived in a nursing home for almost two years now. Meaningful communication with her is almost non-existent and she needs two people to help her with almost everything. She is unable to feed herself and is doubly incontinent. Her only income is the £25 or so per week that she is allowed from incapacity benefit as the rest goes towards paying for the home.

Now she has been sent this questionnaire to prove that she can't do some work. If it wasn't so tragic it would be laughable.

The address that it was sent to is the nursing home - how many people in nursing homes are capable of any work?

I've been trying to discover if there is an easy way to avoid having to answer all the stupid (in this case anyway) questions - surely just saying that she has early onset dementia and communication is all but impossible should be enough. Having to answer questions like: Can you lift at least one of you arms high enough to put something in your top pocket? seems to be an exercise in futility to me.

So far, the 'experts' at various places - Age UK, Alzheimer's Society, Jobcentre Plus while admitting that it is pointless say it all has to be completed. But no one will give any guidance as to how. I feel like writing: 'she has dementia and is unable to communicate or do anything for herself' in the first box and 'see answer to first question' in all the rest.

As if this crappy disease inflicting my lovely wife isn't enough, and then having her taken from our home so that other people can look after her isn't enough, we then have to justify every little thing to the nth degree. Don't any of these faceless, officials understand that we would love it if she had any capability to do anything approaching work? Instead of understanding, they want to look at seeing if they can take this little bit of money from her, not enough that she can no longer do her job that she used to enjoy and be good at that contributed towards the mortgage repayments that I now have to meet on my one salary instead of our two. But I have to keep her share of the property for her, which I obviously don't mind, but when I want some contribution towards getting a more reliable vehicle so that I can continue visiting her (the home is thirty miles from our house), I can't - not allowed to use her money for that.

Sorry, I'm feeling angry again. Ranting into the internet is helping no one, thank goodness for antidepressants. Ignore the previous paragraph.


Registered User
Feb 10, 2010
We had a similar incident when they've insisted my SIL who was bedridden, incontinent, non responsive following 2 lots of brain surgery attend an ATOS assessment in person! Luckily the centre was at a local hospital so my sister wheeled her in on a hospital trolley!! They told her that she was in wrong part of the hospital she said nope she's here for her work assessment. The ATOS people shocked BUT they pointed out that the admin was all done by DWP, probably by an 18 yr old admin grade. ATOS did not want to be associated with such lack of understanding and compassion and so complained right to the top. She got a letter of apology from DWP and was told she wouldn't have to work. Saddest thing was that the idea of getting back to work soon was the only thing that kept SIL going. Their incompetence even destroyed that too!

So, send back the blank form and say this is what your wife filled in after being given the form and a pen for over an hour! Then tell them what her diagnosis is and say she would be happy to undergo a work assessment if you could call at the nursing home where she is receiving care 24/7. Oh, and I would photocopy your response and send it to your MP asking if this is what taxpayers money is being spent on..harassing sick and vulnerable people! Maybe you could finish by asking if they are a Dementia Friend...obviously not it seems!

I too share your anger about this as you can see! LOL



Registered User
Aug 29, 2008
I agree with what Fiona has suggested, and I would add that perhaps you could contact your local TV news dept I know our local news are always on the look out for stupid things like this.

It is horrendous . Let them come out and assess your wife, and then demand an apology for the distress caused.
