Just out of hospital and unexpected problems, please help


New member
Jun 13, 2023
Hi, I really hope that you will be able to help us because I am totally at a loss to what is going on.
Mum 94 with alzheimers has been in hospital for the last 10 days following a fall. She had a uti and blood pressure problems that caused the fall. This is the first time she has been in hospital since her diagnosis and she handled it very well everything considered. She came out yesterday afternoon. We are to have carers in twice a day to assess if we have any needs. We have told them that she is very active for her age, only starting to use a stick to walk about three months. To sum it up she is physically able to care for herself but forgets. In hospital that was the case, she was eating and drinking well and walking about quite a lot sometimes without even the help of a stick. That was yesterday. Today she has wet her bed which has never happened before and she is sitting in her chair insisting she can't get up because she has a broken leg. She couldn't get her own breakfast because she didn't know where the cereal was (this was before she decided her leg was broken)
What is going on and how do we handle it

try again

Registered User
Jun 21, 2018
Delirium? Infections can cause àn increase in confusion that can last for quite a while after infection has gone.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im thinking that the UTI in the hospital didnt completely clear too
This has happened to my OH several times