It's getting worse.


Registered User
Jun 7, 2023
This evening, while watching tv, she suddenly said do you have a set like this at home?. Well i glossed over that and a bit later on, after we had dinner , she suddenly got up and when i said " are you ok" she said " i have get my husbands dinner ready". Her first husband is dead and we have been together for 44yrs. I carfully exspained that she was married to me and had been for a very long time and that he was dead. Oddly she excepted and even said " it's my brain playing up isn't it". So somewhere on some level she understands that something is out off kilter, and excepts that. I told her it was the problem she has with her brain, which did not seem to worry her.


Registered User
Nov 13, 2023
Aww, how sad for you, but kind of lovely that she accepts what you said. My man asked where my husband was yesterday. I said nearby as we were sitting together! I gently explained he was my husband and, like your wife, he accepted it was his memory illness. Such a sad illness.