It Went Well


Registered User
Jun 6, 2020
New Zealand
Amazingly, it all went well today. I took our Labrador with me when I went to collect MH from hospital. He had been talking about her and wanting to see her for days. Happily reunited, he finally got into the car and we set off with me telling him we were taking a little detour to look at an aviary. (He used to breed budgies and loves birds in general). The rest home has an aviary almost outside his bedroom window. I chose that room especially because of that. There is also a bathroom right next door. He kept saying what a nice garden it was outside his room. It took almost 2 hours of form filling during which time MH wandered away to the lounge, sat down and promptly fell asleep! I left him sleeping to return home. The drive is an hour and a half, and I will probably only be able to go once a week, but I am more than happy with the home and I feel good in my bones about it all. He has been prescribed 25 mcg of risperidone and it has made an enormous difference to his state of mind.


Volunteer Host
Apr 13, 2018
Oh @Pusskins I'm so glad to hear that It sounds like your husband is settling in really well. It's a shame that you won't be able to visit more frequently, but it is probably for the best, to enable him to really settle and get used to other people looking after him.
My dad used to breed budgies too. One of my earliest memories is sitting in my pram looking at them, and being surprised when he came home and popped up behind me to say hello. I hope your husband has many happy hours looking at them too.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
Im glad the move went well :)

It will take him a good couple of months to really settle, so expect some ups and downs in that time, but the signs are looking good and the home sounds lovely.

Look after yourself now, it will take time for you to adjust too


Registered User
Jun 6, 2020
New Zealand
@canary You are so right. MH is not really behaving at this stage. Still refusing to eat or take medication. I'm told he tore down a set of curtains yesterday and still refuses to let anybody wash him. I can only hope and pray that as he becomes more used to his new surroundings, things will calm down. He is very stubborn at the best of times, so I'm hoping that this isn't going to be an issue, especially with dementia added to the mix. He is mixing well with the other residents and drinking something, but that's about the only plus at this stage. I won't be going back to see him until Tuesday. Fuel costs are going to prevent visiting more than once a week, but it was the only care home that came up to my expectations. The local one won't have him back because of his aggro when there in July for respite care and the only other option was still an hour's drive away and the 2 storey house was very gloomy and depressing in my opinion.


Registered User
Dec 4, 2011
Pratteln Switzerland
Amazingly, it all went well today. I took our Labrador with me when I went to collect MH from hospital. He had been talking about her and wanting to see her for days. Happily reunited, he finally got into the car and we set off with me telling him we were taking a little detour to look at an aviary. (He used to breed budgies and loves birds in general). The rest home has an aviary almost outside his bedroom window. I chose that room especially because of that. There is also a bathroom right next door. He kept saying what a nice garden it was outside his room. It took almost 2 hours of form filling during which time MH wandered away to the lounge, sat down and promptly fell asleep! I left him sleeping to return home. The drive is an hour and a half, and I will probably only be able to go once a week, but I am more than happy with the home and I feel good in my bones about it all. He has been prescribed 25 mcg of risperidone and it has made an enormous difference to his state of mind.
Wonderful you were able to have such a great day out that is my goal at the moment. To get Nicky out for a long walk again.