Issues going to the toilet but not incontinent


New member
Aug 13, 2021
Hi - My husband who has general alzheimers / dementia uses the toilet normally if we are out, or at families houses and at the day centre but as soon as he comes home and during the night he urinates all over the house and himself.
Consequently I am up during the night mopping floors , washing carpets and changing his clothes at least twice in the night - I have tried incontinent pants but they don't work as he knows he needs to go to the toilet and pulls them down to go but then starts peeing as he walks through every room towards the bathroom. He gets very confused as to where the bathroom is and Ive tried a coloured cover on the seat, a picture of a toilet blue tacked to the door and a motion sensor light but today he did it through the night and then again when he got out of bed this morning. I hate living like this - I constantly think the house smells and have no idea what to try to overcome this - lack of sleep doesnt help my tolerance or ability to think rationally about this either. It would be easier if he were incontinent to manage it though I probably don't mean that. Just wondered if anyone else experienced this or had ideas that might work.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2022
Get the GP to do you an urgent referral to the Continence Team - hopefully they'll be able to help?
Have you tried having a commode in the bedroom?


Registered User
Oct 21, 2019
I knew a family where the upstairs floor gave way and fell to the ground, due to this.
if the behaviour was worse and more consistent you could pad him and dress him in adaptive clothing. ( like a back to front baby grow) but he isn’t so not an option.
I think you will have to set a timer and attempt to toilet him at regular intervals.
At night you will need a pressure mat or PIR to alert you the minute he leaves the bed at night. You will then need to supervise urination. I have read about people having success encouraging males to urinate into a bucket with a red ball in it.
The flooring will need to be hard flooring.
There are things called a convene. But I don’t think they work well with confusion.
It might also be worth buying a urine bottle to offer as he wakes ?

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