Information on types of care available


New member
Dec 27, 2022
My sister in law Jane is 65 and was diagnosed 4 years ago with Vascular Alzheimer’s. She lived alone and about 6 months ago started to suffer from anxiety and recurring UTI’s which brought on hallucinations etc. family members would visit twice a day everyday to make sure she was taking hers meds and eating ok. This setup could not continue so we decided to try Jane in a care home. The first month was very difficult as the other residents were much older and more advance and Jane did not have anybody she could chat with and kept saying I am not like these people. A physiatrist and social worker said she should not be in the care home so we looked at bringing her home with a full care package but she was too scared to come home and didn’t want to be by herself. We have looked at extra care living but nobody in these places seems to use the communal areas so Jane would still be spending a lot of time on her own. We are now back to looking at other care homes especially the Hamberley ones. Jane needs to know there is somebody around 24/7 as this makes her feel safe. Does anybody know of any other options available that we can try. We really do not want to move Jane again until we are sure it is the right move for her.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Personally I don't but someone on here will, living alone and reoccurring UTI's isn't good, see what the others say, to her to be so "young" in a care home must be difficult. K


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @DebNicks Sorry to hear about your sister in law's diagnosis at such a young age. Choosing a care home is difficult and it can take a while to find one that is the best 'fit'. I think that you're right to be looking at care homes rather than extra care living, and perhaps somewhere where there are regular activities in the communal areas might help too? My mum was only a couple of years older than your sister in law when she went onto a care home but there was a mix of ages there, with several of a similar age, so there are homes out there that will suit but they may be a little further afield. It's a good idea to focus on the care rather than the decor, and perhaps visit during different times of the day to get a good feel for the place. You may find the links below useful in what to look for when choosing/viewing a home, and best of luck with your search, I hope that you find somewhere suitable that meets Jane's needs.


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