Increasing tirednesss


Registered User
Sep 14, 2014
I know that tiredness increases as the dementia progresses but how does it progress. I would be interested to hear of your experiences of this aspect of the disease and how it manifested itself in your particular case.

We have reached a point with mum where it is an issue. It started with mum dozing off shortly after breakfast. There was the odd occasion where mum did not want to get up because she felt tired but that was OK. Perhaps the carers had got her dressed and that she had immediately fallen asleep before she had chance to come downstairs. That was OK as by 10.30am she was feeling better and wanted to get up. This progressed to mum not getting up till the carer came at lunch time. Again this was fine as the carers are coming in twice a day. I would be around for mum in the morning and by brother for the afternoon. We both work full time.

Since Christmas, however, things have altered and particular in the last four days mum has spent most of her day in bed. The GP has seen her twice. All her vitals are good. The GP has requested some blood tests to eliminate a physical reason for the tiredness and has also going to our in a referral to the Elderly Mental Health Team. Also mood may also be an issue. Until we get the results of these two things we can not proceed.

I would welcome any thoughts from my fellow TPers. Have you had a similar experience. If you have, how did you deal with it/resolve it?

Many thanks.

Sue J

Registered User
Dec 9, 2009
Hi Twinklestar

Tiredness is progressive but not always the same in my experience. I am much worse following an infection but also in the winter months not helped by the short days. Come Spring and lighter days I improve, or so it seems since my symptoms began 5 years ago. I have been much more sluggish Dec/Jan. I try and allow myself to sleep and rest when I am like this as it seems my brain needs it, but I don't like being so sleepy for a lot of the time:(

I'm still trying to get my GP to get to the bottom of it too so hope your Mum's GP may be able to help.
Best wishes

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