Increased Care Home Fees


New member
Feb 20, 2024
Good morning, my mother suffers from Alzheimer’s and is in a care home that has just been downgraded by CQC. Shortly after finding out about the downgrading we were informed that the care home fees would be increased above the contractual 5.9% annual increase. We (my siblings and I) have stated that we don’t agree to the increase but this has subsequently been rejected by the management. I would like to ask if other members have suffered the same and to see how we can fight this - the company seem to have performed very well financially and have enjoyed the 5.9% contractual increases for several years when inflation was running at close to 0% so it seems unjustified to unilaterally impose an increase now. I would welcome some constructive views. I know costs have increased and I certainly don’t want the great staff to suffer but surely a commercial business needs take some responsibility for managing itself within its contractual commitments to its clients? Thanks

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
Welcome to the forum @CharlyLuna

I don`t have answers for you but I do know whenever running costs increase, the increases are usually passed on to the consumer no matter what profits the companies gain.

I suggest you contact the helpline for advice.

Best wishes


Registered User
Aug 30, 2013
Have a good careful read of the contract, I'll bet somewhere in the small print there is a clause allowing them to raise extra money. If non is found, take legal advice.
Otherwise, start looking for a new Home.



Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
Is it a general increase or are they claiming your mother's care needs have increased.
Once again read the contract.


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
Is the home managed by a larger company and do they have a finance department ? Have a conversation with them if you haven’t already done so.

Dig Deep

Registered User
Sep 20, 2022
I feel your frustration. In the case of my own mother, the contract we signed states in the small print that there will be a MINIMUM annual increase of 5.7% pa. Afraid I have just had to smile through gritted teeth and pay the increased fees. We are happy with the services provided and don't want to disrupt my mother in any way.


New member
Feb 20, 2024
Thanks for your responses. The contract says the 5.9% is to cover inflation and general cost increases but, yes, there is a statement that says in exceptional circumstances they can increase it further. And that is my beef - the current “crisis” is not exceptional in my view (it’s life!) and with the parent company posting very good financial results it’s a little insulting to ask for an additional increase. That, combined with the CQC downgrade, has got my goat and I think we should reject such increases- especially when the company has, as I say, enjoyed much higher than inflation increases for years before. Rant over. I shall reject again and see what they say. We don’t want to move mum of course and we don’t want her care to suffer. It would be nice to know if the relatives of the other residents are taking a similar view. Any ideas how I could find out?


Registered User
Dec 31, 2023
Thanks for your responses. The contract says the 5.9% is to cover inflation and general cost increases but, yes, there is a statement that says in exceptional circumstances they can increase it further. And that is my beef - the current “crisis” is not exceptional in my view (it’s life!) and with the parent company posting very good financial results it’s a little insulting to ask for an additional increase. That, combined with the CQC downgrade, has got my goat and I think we should reject such increases- especially when the company has, as I say, enjoyed much higher than inflation increases for years before. Rant over. I shall reject again and see what they say. We don’t want to move mum of course and we don’t want her care to suffer. It would be nice to know if the relatives of the other residents are taking a similar view. Any ideas how I could find out?
Start a relatives of the residents club.

Have you got quotes from other care homes in the area to see how they compare?


Registered User
Apr 6, 2011
The exceptional circumstances could be that their n year energy contract is being renewed.
How large is the increase?


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
My experience of mums care home was that each year there was an increase higher than inflation (one year it was 8% when inflation was running at 2%) because of increased wages (the minimum wage went up), energy was running higher than inflation and mums needs had increased.


Registered User
Jan 23, 2019
High Peak
Unfortunately I think they've got you over a barrell. The contract pretty much says they can charge what they want. They might even justify it by saying that due to the CQC downgrading they will be putting more money into the place, extra staff or whatever and you will never know if they do or don't. I honestly don't think there is any argument you could put to them that they wouldn't refute.

The bottom line here is: do you want your mother to stay there? Care home places are in short supply so it wouldn't surprise me if they say, 'Pay up or find somewhere else.' Sadly care home management think only about their profits.