In limbo again


Registered User
Aug 31, 2010
Neath, Glamorgan
Hi all
Not sure if I have posted on the right board apologies if not. I am feeling really low, confused and fed up today. :( I went to the memory clinic yesterday and after doing the tests was told that the results were not the norm to what should be happening with the diagnoses of Alzheimer’s, so now really confused and feeling in limbo all over again. :( Apparently for some reason I am not able to look at pictures and always know what they are so in turn when I am then shown two other pictures that I am supposed to identify with first one (if that makes sense) it’s not happening. For instance sorry if this sounds really strange, (i guess it will) I was shown two soldiers then a church and castle and was asked which of the buildings would relate to the soldiers I pointed to the church. Asked why I thought this, the only thing I could relate to soldiers was death :eek: so the church seemed the obvious thing to me. I just could not and still can’t get my head around they should be associated with a castle. :confused: Does anyone else have this problem or know of anyone who has??
I have just read this over again and it does not quite make sense, but I hope it does to someone, sorry really dull day today :confused::mad:

Grannie G

Volunteer Moderator
Apr 3, 2006
I don`t think I would have related soldiers to a castle or a church sundance. I would have related a priest to a church and a king/queen to a castle.

I sometimes think these kind of tests are more confusing than our lives and although you might think who am I to say, I really wouldn`t worry about them.

The most important thing to me is how you function in day to day living. That is what should be concentrated on.

You have just posted an articulate description of a test, using IT skills, language skills and memory skills. You are doing well. In fact you are doing very well. Please do not allow these tests to get you down.


Registered User
Feb 11, 2010
Hi Sundance,

I think your connection of soldiers with death and therefore the church is a very valid one.

Honestly, who contrives these tests? We all have our own logic but it doesn't necessarily mean we're ill.

I definitely think you're on my wavelength.

And Sylvia talks perfect sense, please try not to worry.




Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
Hiya Sundance,

I read and followed your description of the test perfectly, and if I'm honest, started to get panicky when presented with the soldier one. It was 50/50 to me. It was going one way or the other and it wasn't obvious at all.

If it helps, I've just turned 39 and don't suffer from AD, just care for mum who does. I've never seen any of the questions in the memory test, so it was insightful to me to read your thread. Thank you for that.

Please don't let these tests dictate you day. It's easy for me to say, I know. But I hope you can feel a little better in that your clear rational for choosing the church says as much about you as getting it "right" (I suppose there are no allowances for this in marking terms).

Take care, and try not to worry. I had to check if you were a carer or not when I first read the thread. What does that say? ;)

Lots of love,


Registered User
Aug 31, 2010
Neath, Glamorgan
Hi Annie

Thanks for your reply, I am feeling a bit better about it now, you are all right I am not going to let it worry me I am sure they will figure it out between them all at the hosp and come up with what's really going on with me. :) x


Registered User
Jun 29, 2010
For the last few years, we've had lots of coverage in the papers and on television with regard to wars, obviously often to do with the repatriation of dead soldiers and their funerals.

So to me, your automatic response of linking soldiers and church makes perfect sense - the older historical stories of soldiers defending castles is perhaps somewhat out of date?

My mum's tests included "What year did the first world war end?" - she knew that, I didn't have any accurate guess - so questions skewed towards a person's experiences is going to throw up differing answers. Equally, remembering 3 words and repeating them later, or an address, or drawing interlocking shapes also had me stumped.... maybe I've more problems than I realised?

Best wishes :)


Registered User
Jan 14, 2010
East Kent
I agree with the others. we answer such questions according to our own experiences, and for years we have heard of soldiers dieing, so church seems a perfectly normal answer to me. and yes castles are out of date.

many yrs ago I had some tests done as I wasn't doing very well at school. I answered all the questions did all the puzzles ect,

the only one they said I got wrong, was when
I was shown a picture of a rabbit eating a carrot in the rain, and asked what was wrong with it
I could see nothing wrong
with a rabbit going out to find food in the rain when it was hungry, and i also loved being out in the rain.


Registered User
Jan 8, 2010
I had a man from Alz Society visiting us the other day to assess my husband..he asked several questions and most of the answers given were incorrect from Trevor. i.e. do you sometimes forget your wife's name?..No, he replied...At the end of the question and answer session we were told the answers were very similar to those of 6 months ago, which was encouraging..I then had to intervene and say that most of the answers given were'nt correct.

You did very well during your test and don't worry too much about the text book questions..a soldier and a church go together for one person and a soldier and a castle go together for another person.

my best wishes to you


Registered User
Jul 1, 2009
A rabbit

Do you know, this is a fascinating thread. Thank you Sundance. I'm sitting here puzzling over what's wrong with a rabbit eating a carrot in the rain! It's been bucketing down all day here, and the fact that I've already eaten 2 meals, makes it perfectly ok in my mind (today's mind, based on personal experience) for the rabbit to go ahead and eat.

Beginning to wonder what I'm missing! What was the "right" answer, out of interest?

But I do think that this thread has made me question a lot. Obviously my mum is far too far down the line for me to question it in her case, but for someone like you, Sundance, who I mistook for a Carer, who clearly explained the process and the rationale behind your choice, it's interesting how much room there is for this? Don't know what difference it makes, except perhaps the for person's confidence, self-esteem and anxiety. But, in my books, you'd have got EXTRA marks for your clear and very rational reason. Stupid test, I say.

But interesting thread...


Registered User
Mar 25, 2010
Brisbane Australia
the only one they said I got wrong, was when
I was shown a picture of a rabbit eating a carrot in the rain, and asked what was wrong with it
I could see nothing wrong
with a rabbit going out to find food in the rain when it was hungry, and i also loved being out in the rain.

Did they tell you what was wrong with it Lin?
It has intrigued me :confused:

I wouldn't worry about those questions either. When my Mum had her first test some of the questions she was given, had me wondering if I had early onset something too :eek::eek:. Who decides what should be asked?

missing what has gone and scared of what is to come


Registered User
Apr 5, 2010
had me wondering if I had early onset something too :eek::eek:. Who decides what should be asked?

missing what has gone and scared of what is to come

Probably some Phd student who thought them up as part of his degree course.


Registered User
Aug 31, 2010
Neath, Glamorgan
Thank you all for your replies, yes what was the answer regarding the rabit eatin a carrot:confused:

Oh well I'm not going to let it get to me, as I am sure I am going to have good day's and bad, so maybe I was having a really dull day that day...:)

Not sure if this a more positive note or not but after my memory clinic appointment this week I received an appointment this morning to go to see a specialist in the Neuro Psychiatric clinic :eek: on the 21st of this month, has that happened rather quickly and has any one else seen one of them?

Still trying to work the rabit out!! :(

Thank you all once again for you support!