I'm New, but have a question already:)


Registered User
Jul 31, 2013
My mum was assessed at the care home today, as they were having problems moving her about (mum can't walk at all).

It was mentioned by the lady doing the assessment that what she ideally needed was either an adapted wheelchair, so she can be put into that straight from her bed and stay in it, so she doesn't have to be manhandled so often.

The other thing mentioned was a special chair that is on wheels and has a back that will tilt and side supports.

Trouble is neither of these the council will pay for, as mum is in a private home. I argued that mum is funded by the council, so surely it's the same. Was annoyed to hear that if mum was at home, they could get her whatever she needed.

Does anyone know of charities that would help fund either the wheelchair or the other chair?

Hair Twiddler

Registered User
Aug 14, 2012
Middle England
Hi and welcome new PurpleSong (love the name)!
I don't have an answer but wonder if the home itself could help - after all they know the system and a chair for your mum would be in their interest too.
( PS you opening comment of "I'm new....but" made me smile - we've all been through this feeling:))


Registered User
Jul 31, 2013
Hi and welcome new PurpleSong (love the name)!
I don't have an answer but wonder if the home itself could help - after all they know the system and a chair for your mum would be in their interest too.
( PS you opening comment of "I'm new....but" made me smile - we've all been through this feeling:))

Hi Twiddler, The home has limited funds, so not sure they'd want to pay out for it. It seems ridiculous as my mum is funded by the council and if she were in a council run home or in her own home they'd provide the chair for free. I don't see the difference if she is funded by the council.

My mum has had dementia for around 10 years and has had 7 in the home now, so not new to dementia:)

Thanks for taking the time to answer my post.