If I didn`t laugh I`d cry


Registered User
Apr 22, 2022
My OH has been well acquainted with computers for decades, with a keen knowledge and understanding of most programs. However, I had recently become aware that he is struggling to contend with certain aspects of a number of programs now, but I had no idea quite how difficult he was finding things - until to-day! Searching for some scans he had supposedly saved I found them all in the recycle bin, along with hundreds (literally) of other scans/photos, some of which were copies of copies of copies! Thank heavens he hadn`t emptied the recycle bin. I then spent a couple of hours (instead of doing housework!) deleting the copies and transferring the scans and photos which needed to be retained into files. Checking his emails (at his request) I couldn`t believe it when I discovered well in excess of 19,000 emails which was 98% of his email box capacity! No, I could not sit there checking and deleting all those ( even housework was more appealing!) so, under very strict instruction, OH has been on deleting duty for the past hour or so! Last time I checked there were still about12,000 emails to be cleared! At least I know where he is and what he`s doing!!


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
My husband copes fairly well with the computer but little things occasionally trip him up.

For example, he insisted that he was forwarding attachments from emails, Facebook etc to me but the items never appeared. It seems that when he clicked on the forward icon, he never took the next step to complete the attachment. He was amazed that he had never known what to do.

Sometimes when he was on Skype, he couldn’t work out that he had to turn on the microphone, or the camera and I would have to go in to sort it out.

He still manages to play bridge but can’t work out how to log on to online banking etc. I know he can still manage emails but I am wondering how long this will continue.


Registered User
Feb 25, 2014
South coast
It is very sad. My OH used to be a software engineer and way back in the day had built his own computer. He still spends all of his time of his android tablet, but I have only recently discovered how little he understands now. I knew that he had forgotten that he could enlarge what is on the screen by separating his fingers and he can no longer buy things online, but recently he downloaded a trojan that kept sending messages to say that all sort of things were wrong with his tablet and to click here to fix it!! I couldnt believe that he had done this on numerous occasions - even I know that is a scam. I got someone to look at it and delete all the malware and the trojan - despite all his protests that everything was working perfectly and not to delete it. I was told that almost all of the apps were open so he obviously never closed them and there were over 20 tabs open on his internet browser!


Registered User
May 15, 2021
My OH ran his own business for nearly 30 years, and was computer savvy. Now he no longer know how to connect his laptop to the internet, does not know his email address or passwords, and does not understand the difference between data and wi-fi. He can NEVER have a credit card again. He has no impulse control or understanding of money and will spend every penny he is given, on the day, on god knows what. Before diagnosis he ran up credit card and overdraft debt, but fortunately the local shop keepers now know him after he 'bought' things without paying and then promptly forgot!!