ICB today


Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
So today I have the ICB teams meeting to decide where we go with mum next.
I’m not at all happy with the care homes policies although the staff are lovely their hands are tied by the company restrictions.
The allocated GP to the home ‘works remotely’ and has never visited mum, he also refused to access mums Egress records and told the home staff to do it. He asks the staff what medications she’s on & does not have a clue in her past history.
In the 3 weeks mum has been in the home she has declined rapidly, now no longer walking, refusing food & drinking an issue too. I was told

yesterday she is now also experiencing quite severe bowel bleeding, the doctor will still not attend.
Literally so wound up - absolutely no duty of care and mum is suffering & she shouldn’t be.
Any pointers on what to say this afternoon before I go right off the deep end.

The gp that attends the care home phoned me as arranged at lunchtime & was mistified at why we are both being told conflicting information from the home. Result = he is going into see mum today as he said it’s not acceptable for her to wait another week.
The ICB meeting at 2pm 🙈 care home failed to join, 45 minutes later after being chased multiple times by the person chairing it they eventually joined by phone as their ‘computer is down’ in those 45 minutes I was able to relay the events of the last couple of days. So it opened with some very strong questioning - a lot of paper rustling from the home & they cut off!
I wasn’t surprised - they have been caught out & the game playing is about to bite them in the ****!!
Seems like they are playing me against the Gp when all the faults, lack of consistency and absolutely no duty of care are theirs.
It’s now rescheduled for tomorrow morning so the game starts again.. …. they have been told further time wasting is not acceptable.
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Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
I am so cross reading what you have just said, that doctor is totally out of line and to be honest i would not blame you for going off the deep end, however saying that you would be better to try to be calm whilst putting forward your points. Would you be able to take someone with you to the meeting just for moral support.
Regarding what to say basically tell them what you have just said on your thread. Make out a written or typed bullet list of all of the points that you want to raise otherwise it is easy to forget what you want to say. In particular raise the issue of the doctor working remotely, not being aware of your mum's medication needs and refusing to come to see your mum even with the bowel bleeding. Also add any other issues that you have not mentioned here either with medical care or care at the home.
I hope that this has helped a little and please come back and let us know how you get on at the meeting.
You can also contact the society helpline if you think that it would help to speak to someone. I have attached the contact details link below.



Registered User
Oct 2, 2023
I am so cross reading what you have just said, that doctor is totally out of line and to be honest i would not blame you for going off the deep end, however saying that you would be better to try to be calm whilst putting forward your points. Would you be able to take someone with you to the meeting just for moral support.
Regarding what to say basically tell them what you have just said on your thread. Make out a written or typed bullet list of all of the points that you want to raise otherwise it is easy to forget what you want to say. In particular raise the issue of the doctor working remotely, not being aware of your mum's medication needs and refusing to come to see your mum even with the bowel bleeding. Also add any other issues that you have not mentioned here either with medical care or care at the home.
I hope that this has helped a little and please come back and let us know how you get on at the meeting.
You can also contact the society helpline if you think that it would help to speak to someone. I have attached the contact details link below.

Thank you, just spoken with mums own gp and she’s as fuming as I am. It was good to vent at her & get the confirmation that I’m not wrong in my anger.
I have multiple notes to refer to & will go going for throats today, calmly and forcefully. I’ll not be railroaded by incompetent “professionals”
Will update the post later today


Volunteer Moderator
Oct 28, 2019
Thank you, just spoken with mums own gp and she’s as fuming as I am. It was good to vent at her & get the confirmation that I’m not wrong in my anger.
I have multiple notes to refer to & will go going for throats today, calmly and forcefully. I’ll not be railroaded by incompetent “professionals”
Will update the post later today
I hope that all goes well. Take care.