I make myself laugh!


Registered User
Jan 28, 2012
In the scheme of things this isn't the most important thing to worry about, but here goes...
I brought mum to a bladder appt last week. She's in a wheelchair when she's out. I have carers in the morning for personal care and her clothes are laid out by me and are always clean( in the morning anyway!)

Got to clinic with mum and another lady was there in a wheelchair but what a difference! She was taller than mum,but had a lovely suit on, a little make up but more importantly her hair was done.

The day centre does mums hair once a week if I ask them, but they put too much spray on which means we can't comb it for the rest of the week. She had dribbled her soup on her cardi, had socks and slippers and looked like she had been dragged through the proverbial hedge!

Anyway, to get to the point. I have arranged for someone to come in and give her a perm two hours of fun to follow.

I know appearances don't matter, but sometimes they do, and I feel as though
people are wondering why she's out like that.isnt there anyone looking out for her? They don't know it's a fight to get anything on her.

Hey ho, rambling over but I'll let you all know


Registered User
Mar 24, 2012
I hope it goes well, I know how difficult it is,
Allen always looks like a sack of potatoes no matter how I try,

Jeany xx


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
I've always said to my daughter that if I ever get dementia she must still get my eyebrows done:D The mono brow look is not attractive-especially in black:eek:


Registered User
Jul 10, 2011
Horsham, West Sussex
I always like my mum to look nice too, Ceroc and she wouldn't have worn clothes that didn't match or have food down them either which she sometimes has now, so I can understand your feeling. My hairdresser who is a friend of the family goes in every week to do mum's hair, it looks gorgeous on the day, but by the time it's been brushed the next day, always in the wrong direction, it's all flat, so my mum's having a light perm tomorrow too! She enjoys the company of our friend, who can talk the hind leg off a donkey and make her laugh, so it will be a treat for her. She likes the attention of the staff and the compliments after too.

Sometimes when I collect mum, her trousers are all creased but I don't make her go through the hassle of changing her if she's only coming to my house. I've never said anything about it as they otherwise look after her so well and are so busy, but it wouldn't take much to at least get her matching! It could be that they let her choose too, so I'll just not worry about it. I hope your mum's perm goes well too :)


Registered User
Mar 4, 2013
Auckland...... New Zealand
My Mums sense of pride in her appearance seems to change from day to day.
He hair often looks as though she hasn't put a comb through it, and I often have to remind her now about getting it cut.
The one thing she still does though, is remove her moustache as she puts it, because she doesn't want to look like a man :D


Registered User
Sep 15, 2012
Nuneaton, warwickshire
My mum used to look lovely, always used them bloomin awful gas curling tongs on her hair (and mine if I stood still long enough), had lovely jumpers, dresses the lot.

Now she is in her NH they do their very best, she still looks nice in trousers and jumpers or blouses however, she forever rolls the top on her trousers over so they are at half mast (half way up her leg), her jumper will always have food or drink on it and her hair is now very short. She won't have her teeth in (nobody knows what she's done with them), she unfortunately does have exceptionally unruly eyebrows and a little bit of a stubble on her chin and above her lip. Thankfully mums AD is so far progressed she doesn't know any different. It is however horrible to see her looking like she does.

I'm just thankful that she is well looked after, she is bathed, her hair washed regularly and her clothes changed daily. I know she would be mortified to see how she has gotten so dishevelled and I'm grateful it's pretty much only dad and I from the outside world who see her.

Sharon x


Registered User
Jan 5, 2011
Oooh mum's hair !
She always had perm and shampoo/set and trim on a regular basis. This continued for first few months in CH. But then she wouldn't allow them to do anything but wash and comb it. It was touching her shoulders and had no curl at all when she passed away. The old mum would have hated it !

The undertaker asked which side she had it parted. I said it really didn't matter :(:(


Registered User
Oct 18, 2010
North East England
My Mum is less concerned with her hair than she used to be..but God help me if I let the " Granny Hairs" on her chin get out of Control:D:D She has to have me tweeze them out...she would never contemplate a shave like the little old lady over the corridor. :D Vanity of vanities!!


Registered User
Sep 22, 2012
ah I don't think my mum is well

I have appreciated this forum and everyone's advice and comments. met the social worker today and we have decided on full care just need to sort the home out as we are bouncing between health and SC, just fel that I had got some control back in my life and the doctor called and want to come and talk Thursday about mum. it seems that the bloods they have been checking for some time now conclude there is a problem and we need to decide a way forward and to treat it or not, but we don't know what until we talk. very up and down that's why I called myself yoyo :) we have thought for some time the noise from her bones when we move her can't be normal, its just so sad. she's sitting here in bed with her hair done and looks a million dollars :)

sorry I meant to start a new thread - not sure if I should/could delete it :-/
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Registered User
Jan 28, 2012
Not laughing now.

Well, today was the day for the perm!

The carer that came this morning left mum in the wheelchair, facing the wall,while I was doing the school run. Brought to the kitchen to have breakfast and she kept saying she was soaking,it would appear the carer didn't pull the pad up all the way, so she was soaking. Anyways, after a battle akin to a small war, I changed her.

I just couldn't face the hassle, so the 'through a hedge backwards' is still in vogue in our house!!


Registered User
Sep 2, 2013
Hampshire England
Not laughing now.
True... We laugh for 3 seconds and then if self control is on holidays - we have a good cry!
Your post made me smile though, as I can see myself doing the laundry from dawn to dusk! I insist in washing anything and everything - and ironing! The hair - what a nightmare it is to comb it daily (Why comb it? she asks me); the granny-hairs (why ? again); changing clothes (why ? - there is no need) lol
And then for each WHY there is the because and she forgot it already.
Appearance ... Vanity... Standards... Human Being!

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