I don’t know where to turn


New member
Oct 9, 2023
Hi I’ve just joined this forum as I feel I’m at my wits end. My father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in 2019 and I’m finding him very difficult to deal with. I feel as though after diagnosis there is no help whatsoever.


Volunteer Host
Mar 2, 2017
Hi @Goingaroundthebend and welcome to Dementia Support Forum our friendly and helpful community. I am sorry to hear about your father. Certainly after diagnosis there doesn't seem to be much help in a medical sense. Has he been assessed by social services? If not that would be a good place to start in drawing up a plan to meet his growing needs. You could ask for an adult needs assessment on his behalf, although there may be a delay in getting this done. If he has been assessed previously you can ask for another assessment as his needs will have grown. I did this for my wife.



Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello @Goingaroundthebend and welcome to this friendly and supportive forum from me too. I am sorry to read of your Father's Alzheimer's diagnosis. Certainly from a medical point, there is not much help. I can remember feeling the same after my Mum got her diagnosis. But as @northumbrian_k has said, it may be worthwhile to get a needs assessment done by Social Services. It is clearly taking its toll on you and your will be of no support if you suffer burn out. It does sound like you are needing more care support.