I can't think of a title

Margaret W

Registered User
Apr 28, 2007
North Derbyshire
Dear all

I am just so upset today, gutted. Just learnt that the manager of mum's care home (mum died in Novmber) has been killed in a car accident. She was a star manager, a lovely lady, full of life and love for her residents. I cannot believe it. A bright, bubbly, enthusiastic lady, loved by all her residents, especially my mum. The world will miss her, she was one in a million.

I could go on, but will resist. Please, those of you who pray, put her in your thoughts, and those who don't pray, please do the same.

Janice Williamson, born 1961, Newcastle upon Tyne (and didn't she just retain the dialect!)

A woman I was proud to know.



Account Closed
Nov 23, 2007
Dear Margaret

and those who don't pray, please do the same.

I shall XX

I am so sorry.
Barb XXX


Registered User
Sep 27, 2006
Costa Blanca Spain
Your very tragic news has left me in tears because I know that the world was a better place when she was in it. I'm so very sorry that you have had to bear such horrible news and she certainly is in my thoughts.



Registered User
Jul 20, 2008
Dear Margaret

I am so sorry to hear the news about Janice who you knew to be a star in this world. I do feel that the world is a poorer place when good people are taken from it prematurely:(

Take care Margaret (hug)



Registered User
Nov 10, 2008
So sad

Dear Margaret
Such sadness....I will be thinking of you, I know she will be so sadly and desperatley missed by all, the world needs the kindness she so obviously gave to all, but you know she will still be watching and caring and on a positive note - at least she will never ever have to suffer the pain of dementia as she had watched all her residents suffer over the years, very small consolation at this moment I know, but thats just how I often feel when I look at the pain and anguish our loved ones go through. Sorry!!!!
My sympathies goes to you and all who ever knew her.

Sooe xxxx


Registered User
Apr 4, 2008
Hi Margaret
To lose a wonderful person in such tragic circumstances is indeed so sad. Thinking of you and offering prayers for all concerned.
Regards Hazel


Registered User
Jun 13, 2008
It is so sad when you here of such wonderful people dying in tragic circumstances. My thoughts are with you and all who knew her.

Much love

Julie xx


Registered User
Apr 30, 2008
He only takes the best Margaret.God bless her and am sure she will be looked after.Sorry for your plight at this time.mica

Margaret W

Registered User
Apr 28, 2007
North Derbyshire
Dear all,

If anyone wishes, they can see a photo of Janice and my tribute to her and those from her family (and funny, I didn't know them, but we all say the same about her) if you google Janice Williamson and click on the "Gone too soon" site. It is on the first google page.

The funeral was up in Newcastle (I am in the Midlands) on Monday, but several staff and friends made the journey up there. The home organised a very moving service on Monday morning, and the staff had written a piece about Janice - and it was identical to mine! So no mistake there, she was definitely a lady who cared about her residents.

It wasn't the best home in the world, you all know there were problems, but far fewer since Janice became manager because she regarded relatives as valuable people whom she could ask for advice, it made us feel involved and cared about.

I am probably so emotional about it because she was effectively mum's family for the last 18 months of mum's life, and mum loved her to bits. Mum never got emotional about death, but I think if she had known about Janice, we would have seen some emotion.

Anyway, thanks for your kind words and thoughts. I feel a bit lost cos it is the end of an era for both ladies, one 82 and struggling with her old age, and one 47 in the prime of her life.

Makes you wonder.

Ah well, life goes on, so off to see if I can help anyone with their current struggles with this illness.

Love to all


Margaret W

Registered User
Apr 28, 2007
North Derbyshire
The local paper posted my tribute to Janice, and her daughter has been in touch with me. We are going to pay for a bench for the residents, with a plaque to Janice. I had half planned the idea before Janice died, and I don't want a plaque to my mum, she was not that kind of lady.

Love to all


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