I am the spouse of the dementia patient.


New member
May 26, 2024
His dementia was diagnosed after a car wreck causing head trauma. we’re not really sure if there were any dementia before the accident or it was caused by the head injury from the accident. He was 63 years old at the time of the accident and is 64 years old now. I find it really hard to get answers from the medical field about his head injury/dementia. I am so thankful to find this website and to hear other peoples story. I think it will answer a lot of questions for me. Thank you.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Angel! and welcome, although sorry to hear about your husband's accident and head injury. Sometimes it can be difficult for the medics to get a clear idea about the cause/type of dementia but you won't be alone here, there is always someone here to listen and offer support and advice if you need it.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
My car crash and a few broken bones and a couple of years later here I am posting from my kitchen at home.
Turns out I had something called viral encphilitis, same symptoms but I'm all better now, the tests for AZ and dementia are somewhat of an arbitrary opinion.