Husband diagnosed


Registered User
Apr 27, 2024
It’s hard for the kids when they are still young themselves they are a great help and comfort but they do get upset sometimes when he’s having a bad day


Registered User
Jun 26, 2023
My husband is exactly the same but he got quite bad tempered with others so going out with him is exhausting as I’m watching his every move. I tend to just go him and I now as I can manage better. Things that have helped us are mitrazapine - our GP feels that it’s linked to depression and questions why he wouldn’t be with what he has, and it’s certainly helped with the snipping at others, hardly happens at all now.

And a day centre, we tried a non dementia one but his shouting upset other people so now he’s at a dementia one 3 days a week and most days they say he has been fab - he can choose to join in or not and his snappiness goes mostly unnoticed. I think it’s a god send so that I can have some normality for a few hours and it lets me keep up with my life - my husband can’t be left or he will go out and get lost. I’d suggest trying, if it doesn’t work, you haven’t lost anything.