How to put my mother's name on her hearing aids?


Registered User
Sep 28, 2012
My mother's hearing aids went in the care home's laundry the other day. Thankfully, the laundry staff managed to retrieve them and the Home Manager sent them to the audiologist to be repaired.

I am desperately looking for a way that I can permanently write her name on the hearing aids as I fear they may end up in the laundry again or in the lounge/dining room and they may get lost forever. I have marked mum's name on the hearing aids with a laundry pen but it just wipes off after a short period of time.

Any help gratefully received.

Kind regards.


Registered User
Nov 9, 2009
Hiya Angel, just wanted to acknowledge your post, am sure many of us here will have experience of this problem so hope you get lots of replies:D I am sure you are aware you can get coloured hearing aids on the NHS, would this help?:rolleyes:
Best wishes
Chris x


Registered User
Jun 27, 2006
How much space are we talking about? (I'm not familiar with hearing aids). Would it be adequate to put some kind of mark on them? Like a blob of red nail polish? Mind you that might peel off I suppose. What about an engraving pen?


Account Closed
May 30, 2012
Have you considered asking one of the High Street engraving/name tag making/key cutting firms or a jewellers/engravers if they could engrave her name or initials in the case of the hearing aid? Mind you it might invalidate the guarantee. I know you can engrave in plastic because I've had it done but not to a hearing aid.



Registered User
Sep 28, 2012
Thank you all for your kind and helpful replies.

Chris, I was unaware that you could actually get coloured hearing aids on the NHS, mum has got NHS hearing aids, so it is something to bear in mind should they need replacing, many thanks.

Wirralson that is a very good idea regarding getting mum's name or initials engraved on hearing aids, thank you.

Jenniferpa, it is a very small space on mum's hearing aid to mark anything, we have marked L & R on each hearing aid with nail varnish but it comes off quite easily, again very good idea to use an engraving pen, thank you.

Kind regards.


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
I found a fine permanent ink pen in one of the chain stationery stores. I had to redo it about every 6 weeks.

His hearing aid still got lost frequently but at least they knew who it belonged to when it was found. He had a habit of putting it in his top shirt pocket so it would frequently end up in the washing machine. I once even put it through the dryer!


Registered User
Sep 28, 2012
Thanks Beckyjan

It must be hard for the carers at residential and nursing home to keep track of the resident's hearing aids, as you say if they are marked up then at least they know who the hearing aids belong to. It is such a hassle when they go missing as you have to have the moulds re-done and that seems to take ages to sort out.

I remember when mum was in hospital once and she put her hearing aids in her denture pot so they had a good old cleanse with denture tablets. Fortunately, they still worked plus they smelled nice!!

Kind regards


Registered User
Nov 28, 2005
After numerous losses and washes the Audiology clinic folk made a spare mould of David's hearing aid. It may be worth asking if they can do the same for you.


Registered User
Nov 17, 2011

Not much room to write but use a permanent marker and her initials may do the trick even if as someone else said you need to 'top up' writing every few weeks. :D


Registered User
Sep 28, 2012
Many thanks Beckyjan, CollegeGirl and SWMBO 1950

Beckyjan, when mum hearing aids went into the laundry last year the home could only retrieve one, so a new mould had to be made for one hearing aid. Great minds think alike!! I did ask the audiologist at the time if she could do spare moulds for the hearing aids but she refused saying the ears could change in size due to weight loss. I will ask again, perhaps I will talk to a different audiologist. All I know is it took such a long time for the mould to come back last time, and it seemed to add to my mum's frustration and confusion as she could not hear or understand what anyone was saying.

CollegeGirl, I have actually got some CD marker pens that have hardly ever been used, so at long last I might find a use for them!

SWMBO1950, definitely work a try.

Kind regards.


Registered User
Mar 1, 2013
I'm sitting here laughing - sorry!

.....I did ask the audiologist at the time if she could do spare moulds for the hearing aids but she refused saying the ears could change in size due to weight loss.

Really? Is that really the case? I really cant decide which way this would go, and I am sorry, but its making me giggle!

If someone looses weight..... they shrink.... do their lug holes shrink, or do the openings in their ears get bigger due to eight loss around the ears - sorry, never met anyone with fat ears. :eek:

I have heard some excuses for things over the years but yours takes the prize.

the ears could change in size due to weight loss:rolleyes:


Registered User
Sep 10, 2013
I'm sitting here laughing - sorry!

.....I did ask the audiologist at the time if she could do spare moulds for the hearing aids but she refused saying the ears could change in size due to weight loss.

Really? Is that really the case? I really cant decide which way this would go, and I am sorry, but its making me giggle!

If someone looses weight..... they shrink.... do their lug holes shrink, or do the openings in their ears get bigger due to eight loss around the ears - sorry, never met anyone with fat ears. :eek:

I have heard some excuses for things over the years but yours takes the prize.

the ears could change in size due to weight loss:rolleyes:

My mum works in the audiology department and she thinks that sounds like an excuse!


Registered User
Nov 8, 2012
Mum has hearing aids bought privately. We were given the moulds. I have already used them once for replacements when the originals were lost(?) in hospital.


Registered User
Nov 28, 2012
Moved to Leicester
Stupid idea probably but can't you superglue a string on them, as we used to attach a string to kiddy's mittens so they didn't get lost? If it's only one, it could be pinned to the collar or something? Sorry, I told you it was a stupid idea.....

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