How to get the ball rolling and what to look out for


Registered User
Oct 2, 2009
London UK
I thought this may help or advise others of to my own experiences from previous.
If you think your loved one has dementia, memory loss.

1. Take them to their doctors and request that doctor give them assessment
for memory.
2. It could be a special clinic they go to for these assessments.
3. Maybe request a brain scan MRI as well.
4. If Dementia is then ruled you can request further actions of that of social services.
5. They will first start in sets, which can be really annoying and at a slow pace.
6. First they will send people to chat to the person with dementia to see what
they need.
7. A carer will visit twice daily, he or she will either be very good or very poor at it.
8. They only attend twice daily for like 20mins though to do their dinner etc.
9. Meals on wheels can be arranged.
10. Some times volunteer person will come but that only last like 6wks of which
they may help with bits of shopping etc.
11. They install emergency equipment in persons home, and emergency necklace
in case of person falling of which centre is alerted and then ambulance.
12. If person has stairs they will put wooden gurder things up for them to hold on to.
13. A small security box with persons copy key in so the carer can get in and out
of which is it normally placed next to the front door.
14. With social service they first put carers in place for 6wk only, hoping the
person will suddenly recover miraculously from their dementia. If they dont
they they put in place another new team to come round, a new carer.
15. As the persons stages of illness gets worse you can request they be placed
into proper 24/7 care, but be warned, you will have to fight yourself into
the ground for this as they cant be bothered with all the paperwork it
involves, they would rather keep the person at home at risk to save them
more work.
16. Once you scream and shout at social worker they will eventually give you a list
of care homes, best to have back of of the doctors as well to push on
medical grounds.
17. Once you get the list you can then go and view various care homes.
18. Then they will be placed at the care home for 6wks on a temporary basis at first
19. After this time it will be decided if they are to remain in care or return home.
20. They give them another assessment again asking them questions they
cant answer.
21. Then after if accepted they will remain there.

This was drawn from my own experiences and may differ for others depending on their area they live I guess. Plus how good or bad the social workers are.

Social workers are a bit like the X Factor, you get very good or very bad ones performing.

Dementia signs
Lack or loss of smell on something even that smells bad and gone off, bad meat etc.
Diminished sight even with glasses on.
Hearing loss or concentration to conversation. Have to constantly repeat to them.
Memory loss on obvious things, like,, I never saw that programme before, (ie) eastenders or coronation street that they had watched for years.
Lack of interest in life in general and no focus.
Complacent and or quiet in social situations.
Cant handle two many talking at once or look at you with blank expression.
Unsteady on their feet and loss of balance. Constant falls and hits to head as to slow reaction at putting out arms to protect oneself from the fall.
Something which takes 5minutes will take them 15minutes, making cup of tea etc.
Putting things in strange places where they dont belong.
Keep asking you same question over and over in a matter of minutes.
Cant retain new information given and lose their money a lot.
Become prey to new types of friends that use them and con people.
Send off their money for all the competitions in the post.
Bills not being paid and being "cut off" or "unpaid notice" warnings.
Getting lost in familiar surroundings and not remember where they have been.
Imagining things that are not there or its not happening or happened. Like a tall story that is to unbelievable to believe.
Talking about the past a lot but nothing on present, even imagining they still in it.
Forgetting not remember own phone number, or address or vacant with it.
Cant learn to use new equipment or forgotten how to use it.
Wear same clothing all the time.
Buy 10 packs of one thing instead of a proper shopping list of which is no good.
Lose track of being able to work out their money.
Forget their age, DOB etc. Some family friends names.
Give others the impression that they are just lazy when the illness sets in.
Not remember what they did yesterday or an hour ago.
Get up very early and stand in the garden just stairing into space.
Sleeping a lot in the day times.
Eat less and less and stop cooking and forget to eat and or drink and think they have.
Become weak and prone to catching UTI infections and other illnesses as well.

I hope this helps anyone to give them some understanding anyways.


Registered User
Aug 30, 2012
Brixham Devon
Thank you

You listed that perfectly.

My husband is being admitted to a day care hospital tomorrow for observation. I will take a print of the list because apart from the falling and UTI's he has all of these symptoms (he has been diagnosed with early onset AD). Perhaps that will persuade them that I really do need some help.

Lyn T


Registered User
Oct 2, 2009
London UK
glad to have been able to assist

I am glad to have helped some on here. Yes I notice that Dementia patients seem to suffer a lot of UTI because their organs inside stop working fully thus when we get rid of waste from our bodies, our bodies slow down and cant cope properly when having dementia thus slowing down and breaking down of cells in the brain. Nope me No doctor, just a reader of information on line really. But also some UTI infections can cause dementia like symptoms and confusion as to it not passing through the correct tracts causing poisoning internal adding to confusion, actually UTI untreated can be very serious I have read. I also have found that those that wear cafeters seems to get a lot of UTI's.