How to find a second opinion

Orla Kay

New member
Jun 17, 2024
Hello. My father was diagnosed with Dementia last year and seems to have been getting significantly worse recently. He still has his independence and is great company, but he forgets his way home and often it feels like he just cant hold information in his short term memory.
He is receiving care from his local GP including medication, but i am just worried that we are not doing enough to support him and would love to get a second opinion from a specialist in the disease in London or more locally in Oxfordshire. Any ideas very gratefully recieved.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Orla Kay and welcome to the Forum, which is a friendly and supportive place. In terms of a second opinion, do you mean that you would like your father's medication to be reviewed, or his diagnosis, or something else? A little more info would be helpful in terms of answering your query. From experience there tends to be little support offered after a diagnosis but as your father is getting worse then it's worth asking the GP to refer him to the older adults mental health team as they will be able to review his medication and consider changing either the dosage or the meds if they feel that it is appropriate. Members here are not able to provide recommendations relating to health or care providers due to the site T&C's but if you'd like to talk through the situation with someone, both the Dementia Support Line and Admiral nurses are very helpful and can provide advice about local support services (details below).

This forum is also a great source of information, and there is a wealth of shared experience here relating to all aspects of dementia so do take a look round and if there is anything in particular that you would like to ask please do as members are helping to help when they can, or join in with existing conversations, or even just have a vent if you need too. People here understand.



Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
As @Louise7 has said, following diagnosis, other than medication, there is very little follow up or further support from the medical professionals. A sudden change in ability could be health related and his GP should be able to rule out the likes of UTIs .