Home care top up fees


Registered User
Oct 14, 2018
My mum is a self funder for home care . At present I’m applying for deputyship as she lacks capacity .
I am her carer and I currently have to pay £770 top up for her home care . I am using my universal credits and all her benefits but it’s getting to a point where we won’t be able to live soon , can the council make us pay this until we have access to mums money /assets . Am going to apply for an interim order with the cop. But that’s not going to be granted by next weds when the care fees need to be paid . Anybody any ideas what I can do ?
Thank you

la lucia

Registered User
Jul 3, 2011
My mum is a self funder for home care . At present I’m applying for deputyship as she lacks capacity .
I am her carer and I currently have to pay £770 top up for her home care . I am using my universal credits and all her benefits but it’s getting to a point where we won’t be able to live soon , can the council make us pay this until we have access to mums money /assets . Am going to apply for an interim order with the cop. But that’s not going to be granted by next weds when the care fees need to be paid . Anybody any ideas what I can do ?
Thank you

What do you mean by top up? Do you mean you are paying for all of it from your personal funds until you can get access to your mother's funds? If the domiciliary care has been commissioned by the local authority do you pay for it via them? Or directly to the agency?

Really you shouldn't be paying anything out of your own money and the local authority should be able to pay for it and then invoice you for it. But it's not your responsibility to pay. It's your mother's and until the COP sorts out the access you shouldn't have to bear this financial hardship.

I think you need to talk to the local authority and explain that until the COP comes through there's no money. I'm wondering if you can't ask the COP to expedite the paperwork? It's terribly slow.


Registered User
Jun 19, 2016
My mum is a self funder for home care . At present I’m applying for deputyship as she lacks capacity .
I am her carer and I currently have to pay £770 top up for her home care . I am using my universal credits and all her benefits but it’s getting to a point where we won’t be able to live soon , can the council make us pay this until we have access to mums money /assets . Am going to apply for an interim order with the cop. But that’s not going to be granted by next weds when the care fees need to be paid . Anybody any ideas what I can do ?
Thank you

Dear Chrissy,

If your mum is a self funder it is she who has to pay the fees. Do you have Power Of Attorney for Finance, if not, I suggest you apply for it over the internet. Dad is self funding and a social worker at our local hospital gave us wrong information and said that I would have to pay a top-up fee until I checked this and our local authority confirmed that I was correct in the first place.

Good luck
