High liver enzymes and dementia


Registered User
Apr 25, 2022
Is there a connection between high liver enzymes and dementia? Hubby has very high liver enzymes and is booked for a liver scan and gastro as urgent. I did mention to gp that he is also having memory issues, confusion and getting lost sometimes in familiar places but always find his way back by asking people directions. He is highly functional but suffers from ocd and anxiety at night about home security checking and rechecking door etc. Once asleep he sleeps well. It’s only when he wakes up during the night he goes and check the windows and door again. I ask for a memory test and MRI, and he said no as they want to know why his liver enzymes are high first? Do people with dementia have high liver enzymes or may be he has got that’s why his liver enzyme is high? I thought that was ann excuse to get him to have some tests ans he is very reluctant to see GP, annd the mention of dementia frightens both of us. We think he has been showing signs of dementia and the symptoms have nit been getting worse. Can anybody relate pl? Thanks


Registered User
Oct 3, 2022
Does your husband have high cholesterol or take tablets to reduce cholesterol? Just asking because some cholesterol medications can affect liver enzymes - I have to have my liver enzymes checked annually (I take Rosuvastatin).
S x


Registered User
Apr 25, 2022
Yes he does, he takes simvastatin 10 mgs. His liver functions tests are normal but there is another test called serum gamma GT level and this sky high and GP very concerned. Told me to find out the cause first and deal with memory issues later on,


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
If you do a search on the site here I put in "liver enzymes" it comes up with quite a few posts and many seem to mention statins too, interesting reading I wonder if there is a connection?
Please remember though that coincidence doesn't prove causality, please do get him checked out.


Registered User
Aug 1, 2014
Victoria, Australia
I had a disturbed liver function when I was on statins so can no longer take them. My brother had a similar reaction when he took those fizzy vitamin drinks. So there could be a dietary or medication component so it needs to be checked out.


Registered User
Apr 28, 2022
Yes he does, he takes simvastatin 10 mgs. His liver functions tests are normal but there is another test called serum gamma GT level and this sky high and GP very concerned. Told me to find out the cause first and deal with memory issues later on,
I was taking Simvastatin and had terrible side effects, I think it’s the cheapest statin but the one that the most people have problems with. I had to stop it for a while and was then started on atorvastatin which suited me much better. The lipid clinic were shocked that the GP was still using simvastatin as its well known for its side effects

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