Hi ,


New member
Sep 19, 2020
Hi, my mum has dementia.
She lives alone and has daily care visits and some days at a day centre. I visit her once a week.
I’m ok right now but sometimes I feel despairing about the whole business so I’m just signing up for future use.
Good to now this place exists!
Kindest thoughts to all.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hi @JMW1 and welcome back to posting on the Forum. I know exactly what you mean about 'despairing the whole business', things can really start to get you down after a while. There is a lot of useful information here, and friendly support here from others who understand how things are as a carer, so even if you feel OK now sometimes just knowing that there are others in a similar situation can help, and there is always someone here to listen if you need it.