

New member
Apr 14, 2024
Mum in law has dementia, she is in hospital and unable to come home due to living on her own. She was in an assessment home but due to her getting aggressive was sent straight back to hospital. Hospital are constantly ringing my husband over her care. Who is the professional here, just tired of trying to do our best for her.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Hello and welcome, for context can I ask what authority covers her, just England, Wales, Scotland or NI as the rules do vary just the country nothing more specific, don't need an address or postcode just which jurisdiction.
Rules do vary, England and Wales are pretty similar, Scotland does differ as does NI.
Thank you for all you have done and are doing from us all. K


Registered User
Feb 18, 2017
If social services get so much as a hint that your husband will manage this situation, you won’t see them for dust.
Would your MIL be self funding ? If so then he may well,find he is left to sort this out. However before she is discharged he could ask for an appropriate Discharge to Assess placement so that him mum can be properly assessed for what her needs are and how best to meet them. It needs to be in a residential setting that can manage any aggressions. Following that decisions need to be made and she will need a financial assessment. Your husband is going to have to stand his ground and insist the hospital and social services do their job. How on earth can he possibly know what is best for his mum when he is not a mental health expert or a social worker for older people. I had to do this and infact stopped answering my phone on occasions.