

New member
Jul 6, 2024
My husband hasn’t yet been officially diagnosed as we can’t get an appointment….but there is no doubt…..as our doctor did the usual tests. So have no idea which type of dementia but it’s all so scary. He knows he has it so we can talk about things…..some days he is convinced there are people staying in our house, some days he thinks I am his sister or daughter and some days everything is nearly normal. He is type 1 diabetic which causes lots of problems as he forgets how to test his blood sugar or how much to inject….so its down to me to work things out, he wears hearing aids which cause more problems as he forgets how to turn them up on his phone. He falls asleep in the day a couple of times for an hour or so at a time. I try just to get through one day at a time and not to think about the future but a lot of my time is spent in tears, terrified and mentally too tired to do anything. There are lots of other weird things going on but just wanted to get that off my chest…..sorry all. Xxxxx


Volunteer Moderator
Aug 31, 2003
Welcome to the forum @Rinx.

I'm so sorry to read about your husband. It must be such a worry for your both. I hope you get an appointmement soon.

In the meantime I'm glad you've found this forum and I hope it helped a bit to get things off your chest. You'll always find this a good place to do that and you'll find understanding and support here.


Registered User
Aug 24, 2013
Never, ever apologise to us on here, that's not why we post, it not necessary.
We've all been there and somewhere over 10 years down the line with both wife and mum (in that order) then any help we can offer is what it is, not done for thanks.
A specific diagnosis may help but there's is no medical cure and combined with his other conditions it can't be easy for you.
You/they get a diagnosis, some medications then ignored, maybe the odd memory clinic appointment (for what they are worth) then told to get on with it.
Sorry to sound so negative. K


Volunteer Host
Aug 2, 2022
South West UK
Hello and a welcome from me too @Rinx to this friendly and supportive forum. I am glad you have found us.

I am sorry to read about your husband - all extremely difficult for you, and hopefully you will get an appointment soon to get some form of diagnosis.
This is a great safe space to put down how you are feeling as that can help, and people here really do want to help. We are all here as dementia has affected us in one way or another, and so you will also find understanding and empathy, as well as practical advice should you need it. Take care.