

New member
May 25, 2024
I joined this group mostly just to look for advice and support. My personal situation is my 85 year old mother has dementia, a combination of v and a dementia. She has lived with the condition for 5 years but we have seen a huge change in the last 6 months. She is falling and no longer eating much. The most distressing issue is that she is constantly crying, uncontrollably and hitting herself. I asked the nursing staff at her care home was this normal and they said it was normal for her We have asked for a review of meds which has happened but doesn’t seem to help much. I don’t want to see her suffer. Has anyone any experience with this?
Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Volunteer Host
Mar 25, 2016
Hello @Stitcher and welcome, this is a friendly group and you will find understanding and support here. I'm sorry to hear about your mum, it must be very distressing for you to see, and for your mum to experience too. I haven't personally seen this behaviour with my mum but other members here may be able to share their experiences of something similar. You don't mention what meds your mum is on currently but a change in medication can sometimes take a little while to start working effectively, however if your mum is still in distress and at risk of hurting herself then it may be worth requesting another review? In my mum's case the older adults mental health team were more helpful/experienced in dementia than the GP so perhaps ask for a referral for your mum, if she hasn't already been seen by them. Sorry not to be able to help much but hopefully others will be along soon with more suggestions.


New member
May 25, 2024
Thanks for the reply. Yes we have recently requested a review and meds have been changed but don’t seem to have kicked in. I suppose I was asking if the distress can be managed by medication or is it just her declining. I definitely feel she is in the later or end stage now.

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